[Pal-dc] FW: [ciresearchers] FW: [Dbworld] Call for Springer book chapters: ICTs and the Millennium Development Goals

Melody Clark melclark at uw.edu
Tue Mar 26 02:22:01 GMT 2013

From: ciresearchers-owner at vancouvercommunity.net [mailto:ciresearchers-owner at vancouvercommunity.net] On Behalf Of michael gurstein
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2013 4:27 PM
To: ciresearchers at vancouvercommunity.net
Cc: bill.mciver at nrc.gc.ca; harleen_k1 at rediffmail.com
Subject: [ciresearchers] FW: [Dbworld] Call for Springer book chapters: ICTs and the Millennium Development Goals

This looks like a very worthwhile topic... In fact, I would be extremely interested if anyone wanted to propose a special issue of JoCI on this very subject!

-------- Original Message --------

[Dbworld] Call for Springer book chapters


Sat, 2 Mar 2013 11:04:49 -0800


Harleen Kaur <harleen_k1 at rediffmail.com><mailto:harleen_k1 at rediffmail.com>


dbworld_owner at yahoo.com<mailto:dbworld_owner at yahoo.com> <dbworld_owner at yahoo.com><mailto:dbworld_owner at yahoo.com>


dbworld at cs.wisc.edu<mailto:dbworld at cs.wisc.edu> <dbworld at cs.wisc.edu><mailto:dbworld at cs.wisc.edu>

Call for Chapters: Springer book on ICTs and the Millennium Development Goals - A United Nations Perspective



Harleen Kaur (Hamdard University, New Delhi, India)

harleen.unu at gmail.com<mailto:harleen.unu at gmail.com>

Xiaohui Tao (University of Southern Queensland, Australia)

xtao at usq.edu.au<mailto:xtao at usq.edu.au>

To be published by Springer and indexed by DBLP, Ulrichs, SCOPUS, MathSciNet, Current Mathematical Publications, Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt Math: MetaPress, ISI, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, DBLP and EBSCO, among others, and available in the SpringerLink Digital Library.


FULL CHAPTER DUE: 2nd June 2013


The book will organize the issues and identifies key questions, players and constraints; it presents an informed overview of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) from a development and United Nations perspective and will identifies good practice of the use of ICTs and Millennium Development goals (MDGs). It will also outlines challenges facing the development of ICT implementation, and identifies the emerging trends and technologies that will shape ICT tools and the use of ICTs for better monitoring of MDGs, which is a perspective from United Nations.

The aim of edited book is to draws on information gathered during the process of mapping and dialogue/discussion to present analysis and make recommendations about priority issues related to Information and Communication Technologies.

Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

Role of ICTs in meeting the MDGs

Emerging trends and potential impacts of ICTs on the MDGs

Role of ICTs in the developing countries

Constraints and Challenges in the use of ICT

Goals, Targets & Indicators for Monitoring the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

Developing and measuring the Information Society

Designing E-development strategies

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) development

Modern ICT infrastructure

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) applications

ICT & United Nations perspective on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): Towards achieving the MDGs by 2015

ICT revolution on achieving MDGs

Case Study of ICTs and the MDG

Submission Procedure

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before March 24th, 2013, a 2-3 page chapter proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by April 7th, 2013 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines.

Full chapters must be between 8,000 and 10,000 words and are expected to be submitted by June 2nd, 2013. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis.

Chapter formatting guidelines for edited books can be found at http://www.ict-mdg.com

Important Dates

The chapter proposal (Extended Abstract) should have a length of 2-3 pages and should be organized as follows:

Abstract Submission                  24 March 2013

Accepted Abstract Notification       7 April 2013

Deadline for chapter Submission      2 June 2013

Revised Chapter Submission           14 July 2013

Publication                          1 August 2103


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