[Pal-dc] Public Access: Supporting Digital Inclusion for All

Julia Brungs Julia.Brungs at ifla.org
Tue May 20 12:18:05 BST 2014

Dear all,
IFLA, along with the Association for Progressive Communications (APC<http://www.apc.org/>) and the Technology and Social Change Group (TASCHA<http://tascha.uw.edu/>) at the University of Washington have prepared a briefing paper “Public access: Supporting digital inclusion for all – Maximising the impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for inclusive social and economic development”. The paper was produced for the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD<http://unctad.org/en/Pages/cstd.aspx>), Seventeenth Session which IFLA attended between 2-16 May 2014 in Geneva.
The briefing paper draws UN Member States' attention to the importance of access to ICTs as a key issue in development and to the ongoing digital divide. It includes a checklist of action points for policymakers that highlights an ecosystem approach to ensure better public access. The most important initiatives that need to be considered are:

·         Build awareness and information sharing. There is generally a shortage of knowledge of the importance of public access, and on how to implement and sustain public access facilities, especially in developing countries. Knowledge of best practices and sustainable solutions using the latest technologies needs to be assembled and circulated, in print, in online fora and in training workshops.

·         Improve the enabling environment – a basic requirement for public access facilities is low-cost high-speed connectivity. This requires a conducive policy and regulatory environment which ensures competitive, pervasive and reliable provision of internet services.

·         Implement use of universal access funds and other public policy instruments to support public access, not only at the national level but also through provincial or local municipal authorities.

·         Address human resource deficiencies. Policies need to be aimed at ensuring a sufficient number of appropriately trained people at a technical level to support public access facilities, for their staff to help in the provision of ICT services to the public, and for the public in how to make the most effective use of them, especially by women and other disenfranchised groups.

·         Invest in locally relevant applications and service development, particularly e-government services. This will help fuel the demand for access and make public access facilities more sustainable. Libraries in particular can be an effective vehicle for supporting the implementation of e-government strategies at the local level.

·         Set targets and monitor progress. Targets and indicators need to be adopted to enable measurement of progress in providing public access, and in assessing impact. This should be based on an objective methodology for evaluating the quality of access available to the general public.

Read the full briefing in English<http://www.ifla.org/files/assets/hq/topics/libraries-development/documents/ifla-apc-tascha_english_20140509.pdf>, Español<http://www.ifla.org/files/assets/hq/topics/libraries-development/documents/ifla-apc-tascha_spanish_20140507.pdf> and français<http://www.ifla.org/files/assets/hq/topics/libraries-development/documents/ifla-apc-tascha_french_20140515.pdf>.

IFLA encourages members to use the briefing paper in their communications with policymakers about public access to ICTs.

Please also see the webversion<http://www.ifla.org/node/8626>.

Julia Brungs
Policy and Projects Officer
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
P.O. Box 95312
2509 CH The Hague
Phone: 0031703140884
Email: Julia.brungs at ifla.org<mailto:Julia.brungs at ifla.org>

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