[Pal-dc] FW: SDG Targets Tracker

Stuart Hamilton Stuart.Hamilton at ifla.org
Tue Jun 16 10:42:38 BST 2015

Dear Colleagues

Further to yesterday's mailing regarding national development plans to implement the post-2014 development framework, I wanted to draw your attention to this new tool that lets you see what the national priorities of your countries are regarding the SDGs: http://post2015.org/targets-tracker/

It should be useful to position your approaches to policymakers, and describe how your organisations and institutions can contribute to reaching goals and targets. Not all countries are in the database yet, but more will be added over the course of 2015 and beyond.

Kind regards,


Dr. Stuart Hamilton
Deputy Secretary General
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
P.O. Box 95312
2509 CH The Hague

00 31 70 314 0884

Twitter: @ifladpa

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