[Pal-dc] DC-PAL website updates coming

Christina de Castell Christina.de.Castell at ifla.org
Mon Sep 14 15:22:32 BST 2015

Dear all,

We need to update our text on the IGF website this week, as it's from the era of the original creation of our Dynamic Coalition. The activities have been happening on an annual basis, so congratulations on making libraries part of the conversation at IGF meetings.

I've provided below the updated annual action plan, rather than being about 2012. Under bullet 5 "Engage with the national, regional and international IGFs by" it adds our work on the principles statement and a plan to develop actions that IGF stakeholders can take. The other bullets have changed to remove references that were specific to 2012 and events in that year.

Over the coming weeks, we can start brainstorming on the list about possible actions IGF stakeholders can take, if you agree.
*         Action Plan

*         To place public access to the Internet through public libraries on the agenda of the IGF as a cross-cutting issue on a number of IGF key themes e.g. Internet Governance and Development; Access and Diversity; Security, Openness and Privacy, Youth.

*         To ensure that EIFL and IFLA, as representatives of libraries and their users, are consulted on issues of Internet Governance within, and outside of, the context of the IGF.

*         To create a dialogue between library representatives and policy makers on the potential of public libraries in major policy areas such as social cohesion, education, employment, community development, health and agriculture,  in pursuit of sustainable funding and favourable policies towards libraries.

*         To feed in IGF-related activities to existing EIFL and IFLA work programmes for ICTD in 2012 and beyond.

*         Engage with the national, regional and international IGFs, by
o    Drafting a statement on public access in libraries for discussion by the members of the IGF
o    Developing action that IGF stakeholders can take to support public access in libraries
o    Proposing workshops on libraries, public access and issues affecting public access at each annual IGF as well as speaking up about Internet access through public libraries in relevant IGF sessions
o    Holding a meeting of the Dynamic Coalition at each IGF
o    Ensuring the participation of library representatives at two or more regional IGFs (including EuroDIG and at least one regional IGF in a developing country each year)
o    Mobilising EIFL and IFLA national members to engage with national IGF initiatives including through proposing and participating in workshops at regional IGFs
o    Providing a discussion list for the Dynamic Coalition and regularly posting relevant news about public access to the Internet through public libraries
o    Expanding the multi-stakeholder list of organizations belonging to the Dynamic Coalition and keeping them up to date through the mailing list, with the aim of bringing the debate about public access in public libraries to the different strands of the IGF forum each year
o    Integrating IGF activities within the context of library activities annually, such as at annual library conferences including the World Library and Information Congress (WLIC), and by presenting learning from the Dynamic Coalition interactions and exchanges and leading discussions on 'Public Access through public libraries'.
We're also planning to add a paragraph on the introduction page: Within the UN 2030 Development Agenda, the importance of access to information has been recognized across the Sustainable Development Goals. Libraries are the key to ensuring universal access to information through the Internet, as an existing sustainable and trusted public institution where investment in technology will be supported by trained staff who can ensure that the public has the skills they need to fully benefit from access. In addition, libraries can provide the starting point for internet infrastructure in communities that are not yet connected, acting as the hub that provides affordable universal access where home access cannot yet be achieved.

This update will also include adding the organizations that have messaged me to the list of stakeholders.

If you have suggestions for the action plan, or the web text, or your organization is missing from the stakeholders list, please contribute. I'll be sending this version end of day tomorrow to meet the required deadline, but we can keep working on it and do another update.

These updates will be happening to our web content at: http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/component/content/article/114-preparatory-process/1003-dynamic-coalition-on-public-libraries



Christina de Castell
Manager, Policy & Advocacy
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5
2595 BE The Hague, Netherlands

christina.de.castell at ifla.org<mailto:christina.de.castell at ifla.org>

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