[Pal-dc] High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation Report and Mozilla Internet Health Report summaries

Valensiya Dresvyannikova valensiya.dresvyannikova at ifla.org
Wed Jul 24 17:44:43 BST 2019

Dear all,

You may be interested in two report summaries which IFLA has recently made:

A summary of UN Secretary-General’s High-level Panel Report on Digital Cooperation<https://www.ifla.org/node/92293?og=30>.
A summary of the 2019 Mozilla Internet Health Report<https://www.ifla.org/node/92307?og=30>.

Both reports offer impactful assessments of key trends and issues in the digital environment, and make suggestions on how to address them. These summaries aim to highlight the key messages relevant to libraries and the information sector, and suggest some ways they could help build a more healthy and inclusive digital environment.

If you have any comments or ideas, please feel free to share them!

Many thanks,
Valensiya Dresvyannikova

Valensiya Dresvyannikova
IFLA Policy and Research Officer
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
valensiya.dresvyannikova at ifla.org<mailto:valensiya.dresvyannikova at ifla.org>

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