[WSIS CS-Plenary] "Club of Rome" publishes Position on WSIS

Ralf Bendrath ralf.bendrath at sfb597.uni-bremen.de
Thu Aug 14 20:01:29 BST 2003

"Club of Rome" publishes Position on WSIS

Strengthening of public domain, stronger role for civil society demanded

14 August 2003. The "Club of Rome" (CoR), one of the most prestigous
think tanks world-wide, now has also taken a position on the WSIS. In
the statement that was published today, the CoR is adopting a number of
core priorities of the civil society groups involved in the WSIS
process. The CoR is e.g. asking for a stronger commitment to publicly
available knowledge (global commons or public domain), is demanding that
privacy will be secured inthe information society and is suggesting an
environment-friendly use of information technologies. On top of that,
the CoR states that "the greater involvement of Civil Society with its
many NGOs and other organisations, which have considerable expertise in
specific fields, is increasingly essential in implementation processes."
The statement ends with the sentence: "NGOs and civil-society
organisations should be empowered to play an increased role."

Statement of the Club of Rome to the World Summit on the Information
Society, Geneva, 2003: "Towards a New Age of Information and Knowledge
for All" (pdf)


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