[WSIS CS-Plenary] NGO GSWG: Summit Overpasses

karen banks karenb at gn.apc.org
Thu Dec 4 09:38:30 GMT 2003

hi all

the list as submitted by the NGO GSWG - please note, we have more than 15 
on our list, and those marked with an * i'm hoping can either be considered 
by a regional caucus (Asia-Pacific), or the CT list


>To: liliane.ursache at ties.itu.int`
>From: karen banks <karenb at gn.apc.org>
>Subject: Summit Overpasses
>Cc: karen banks <karenb at gn.apc.org>
>Dear Liliane
>Please find below the list of names for overpasses from the NGO gender 
>strategies working group.
>could you let me know that you've received this message.
>many thanks
>karen banks
>1. Natasha Primo
>2. Chat Garcia Ramilo
>3. Karen Banks
>* 4. Raijeli Nicole
>* 5. Angela Kuga Thas
>6. Jennifer Radloff
>7. Anne S Walker
>8. Marie-Helene Mottin Sylla
>9. Katerina Fialova
>10. Lenka Simerska
>11. Dafne Plou
>12. Ra'ida S. Al-Zu'bi
>* 13. Aileen Familara
>* 14. Celeste Cinco
>15. Yasna Uberoi
>* 16. Mylene soto sol cruz
>17. juliet were
>18. Danijela Babic
>19. joanne henry
>20. catherine Njuguna
>* 21. Anna Hidalgo
>* 22. Yukie Hori

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