[WSIS CS-Plenary] 2nd message re:thank you!

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Thu Dec 11 12:02:49 GMT 2003

At 08:08 11.12.2003 'Ц.'Converted:   +0100, zielinskic at who.int wrote:
>1. Let's drop the word "whereas"

well, that's the appropriate way of writing such thanks, I guess. We must 
present something that sounds familiar to the others, not only to us. It's 
not aimed for the CS, but for the Swiss government, mainly.

>2. Let's drop the joke about the riot police (equating civil society with
>anti-globalisation activists: debatable, to say the least - e.g.,
>information flows may be one of the good things to globalise).

I accept that, although it has a sence not only for the Swiss government, 
but for some of us, who claim that the CS Secretariat didn't do a good job. 
Even their existence was a good thing.

>3. I don't think we need to express gratitude that people listened to CS -
>that should be taken as the norm, not a special privilege. The previous
>situation was anomalous, not the present one.

The thanks for this goes because they did so, and from now on we expect 
that it will continue to be like that.

>What are we left with? ^"Thanks to the CS Secretariat, CS Bureau, CS
>Contents and Themes Working Group, and other CS groupings, as well as to the
>Swiss Government,  for their support. Long may it continue - until Tunis
>2005 and beyond."

Nope, that is not good as a declaration from the CS Plenary. That may be 
good if I was saying it in a private conversation with someone from the 
Swiss government.

If this is the text I will vote against it. We need a consensus text; my 
proposal is to make sure that everyone gets the message, and not a formal 
one, but a real one - with serious statements, but also with a joke.


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