[WSIS CS-Plenary] Re: 2nd message re:thank you!

fortinp at club-internet.fr fortinp at club-internet.fr
Thu Dec 11 15:06:34 GMT 2003


Veni a demande lors de la pleniere aue la pleniere de la SC de remercier officiellement le secretatariat executif. Il n' a pas obtenu l'assentiment des participants sur ce point. deux personnes, dont J-L Fullsack pour CSDPTT et moi au nom du collectif SMSI avons refuse cettte proposition. Personne ne l'a ouvertement soutenue a part lui et Wolfgang K.

Malgre cela il, revient a la charge sur cette liste pour faire a nouveau passer cette propostion. 

Cet acharnement au motif que ce refus resulterait uniquement des conditions lamentables d'organisation de la derniere pleniere. Ce qui est faux. 

Comme cela a deja ete dit, c'est la facon dont la SC est traite pendant tout ce Sommet de Geneve qui est lamentable et pas seulement en raion des modalites scandaleuses de designation des speackers pour la pleniere gouvernementale.

Dans ces conditions il est bien evidemment HORS DE QUESTION de remercier officiellement le secretariat executif. 

J'avoue d'aileurs ne pas comprendre un tel acharnement consiStant a vouloir rediscuter une proposition qui a deja ete tres clairement rejetee.

Il va de soi en revanche aue Bill Mciver, Sally, Kearen et tout le comite contenu et theme doit etre remercie pour son travail remarquable durant ce Sommet.

Pascal Fortin (COLLECTIF smsi)

----Message d'origine----
>De: <wolfgang at imv.au.dk>
>A: "Veni Markovski" <veni at veni.com>,
>Sujet: Re: [WSIS CS-Plenary] 2nd message re:thank you!
>Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 09:36:39 +0100
>I support this resolution
>-- Original Message --
>From: Veni Markovski <veni at veni.com>
>To: plenary at wsis-cs.org
>Send: 2003-12-10
>Subject: [WSIS CS-Plenary] 2nd message re:thank you!
>Dear all,
>Today's plenary was a disaster. Not only because of the lack of a suitable 
>room (I hope that we could alocate one for Friday), but also because of the 
>lack of understanding what the Civil Society has achieved - and yes, with 
>the help of the CS Secretariate and through the facilitation of the CS
>I don't accept that only because of the failure of today, at WSIS - a 
>failure that have been something normal in the aspect of the whole WSIS 
>process!, we must signoff the good work the CSS and the CSB did.
>If it wasn't for the government of Switzerland, and to the CSS, and Alain's 
>work, we would have been today outside of the WSIS, and clashing with riot 
>police! If it wasn't for Sally, Myriam, Bill, Karen and tens of other 
>people, we wouldn't have had documents, and statements, and visability. 
>After all, if it wasn't for all of us, the CS would have been represented 
>by the .... governments!
>I strongly urge all of us to think and on the next plenary on Friday come 
>with a serious declaration, something like this (feel free to correct, if 
>you want):
>Organizing the work of the civil society within the WSIS;
>And Whereas
>The Civil Society (CS) Plenary  believes the best way to organize the
>work of all CS groups and families within the WSIS was through the
>help of the CS Secretariate and the CS Bureau;
>And Whereas
>There had never before been such a cooperation between the governments
>and the civil society [in the history of the UN];
>And Whereas
>The CS had to become workable group of peope, representing every region
>in the world and every different interest;
>And Whereas
>Any errors in the organization of the work of the CS forum at WSIS would
>have resulted in spoling the good intention and bringing us back to the 
>way of communications with the government - or rather with its riot police;
>And Whereas
>The result of the work of the CS is well seen and clear to all participants 
>to contribute;
>And Whereas
>The CS work is acknowledged as a substential part of the WSIS;
>And Whereas
>The CS Secretariat did a great job in providing support for the work of the
>And Whereas
>The government of Switzerland has supported the work of the CS Secretariat 
>and the CS Bureau;
>And Whereas
>It is a chance we must not miss until Tunis 2005;
>Now, Therefore,
>The Civil Society Plenary recognizes the great work of the CS Secretariat, 
>the CS Bureau,
>each of the many driving forces of the different caucuses, [the Contents 
>and Themes WG],
>as well as the significant contribution of the Swiss government and the 
>Canton of Geneve,
>must be congratulated and thanked and last, but not least, we kindly ask 
>the government
>of Switzerland to continue their support of the work of the CS Secretariat, 
>the CS Bureau
>and the CS Plenary throught WSIS 2005 in Tunis.
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