[WSIS CS-Plenary] Education and academia group non negotiable draft

Beatriz Busaniche beatriz at maxmedia.com.ar
Wed Nov 12 14:54:51 GMT 2003

English / español

Hi all
I am sending a draft of non negotiable issues for education and academia
caucus.  It's a draft,  i am not in Geneva, so i would like to ask people
there to ask Divina Frau Meigs and Jane Johnsen if they have something to

As time pass,  i send you this, hope it helps. It's based on our working
group statements from prepcom 2, Paris, and prepcom 3. 

Sorry it's just in english, i will provide spanish translation as soon as

Regards from Buenos Aires!! 

Hola tod at s
Estoy enviando un borrador de cuestiones no negociables para el caucus de
educación y academia. Es un borrador. No estoy en Ginebra en este momento,
así que quisiera pedir a quienes están allá que vean esto con Divina Frau
Meigs y con Jane Johnsen para ver si tienen algo que agregar.

Como el tiempo pasa, opté por enviar esto, espero que sirva. Este material
está basado en las presentaciones de nuestro equipo en prepcom 2, paris y
prepcom 3.

Disculpen que está solo en inglés, enviaré una traducción al español tan
pronto como sea posible.

Saludos desde Buenos aires!


Education, academia and research, Non negotiables! 

- Title and description of the non-negotiable point(s)
- Justification as to why this is necessary
- The principle(s) and action(s) that should be included

Title: Literacy, Education, and Research

Only an informed and educated citizenry with access to the means and outputs
of pluralistic research can participate 
in and contribute to Knowledge Societies. Literacy, education and research -
fundamental components of the information 
and knowledge society cannot be confined to one section of capacity
building. Education must be consider a right for all. 


- Universal education is a key principle for building a participative
Information society.

- Capacity building must include not only skills to use ICTs but also
include skills for creating, innovating and enabling 
active citizenship.

- The use of ICTs for education should be based on free /libre software and
open standars, only way to guarantee and 
promote a deep knowledge on ICTs and long term sustainability and be
supported under the paradigm of Open acces to 
knowledge, specially on scientific and technological information. 


1 - Capacity building designed to empower individuals and communities in the
Information Society must include, in addition 
to just basic literacy and ICT skills, information literacy (i.e. the
ability to find, appraise, use and create 
information) and should stimulate the desire for learning.  To reach this
goal, the use and develop of free /libre 
software is a must. 

2 - Design specific training programmes in the use of ICTs and development
of knowledge and contents (with special focus on 
local contents). 

3 - Basic and advanced education should be improved and made more accessible
to help create a critical mass of 
highly-qualified and skilled local ICT professionals and experts, ensuring
equal access for  women and girls in the field. 
To have high qualify ICT professionals, the use and develop of free /libre
software is a must.
4 - The production of content should thus be done locally, horizontally, and
be socially-driven and mediated. It implies 
taking into account a combination of media, traditional and new, according
to the availability of local resources, and 
developing potential to improve and upgrade them.

5 - Research must be promoted in all fields related to the information
society, including scientific research and 

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