[WSIS CS-Plenary] RV: Fellowships criteria

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Wed Oct 15 17:02:34 BST 2003

>Veni, the problem is no only that argentina is not a LDC, it's not
>considered a Country in development.  Brasil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, and
>all the other in our region are included. Just Argentina and Mexico are
>excluded (But Mexico is OCDE, so that could be the explanation), there's no
>explanation for Argentine's situation.


I think it would help if there were some reasonable independent 
measure of what is a transitional economy or a country in 
development. All I can think of is the UNDP Human Development 
Indicators.  And they may not take Argentina's recent economic 
problems into account, but the economy crashed at the end of 2001 (?)

Anyway, I think they answer the question from the Singaporean student.


Doesn't very help much as it's what the donor uses as a measure that counts.



>The fellowships criteria says that there's a 60 % of funds for LDC and 40 %
>for countries in transition of in development. 
>But argentina is not considered a country in development, that's why i am
>complaining, and i demand urgent explanation.
>Veni, el proglema no es solo que Argentina no es un PMA, sino que no está
>considerado aquí como un país en desarrollo. Brasil, Chile, Uruguay,
>Paraguay y todos los demás países de la región sí están incluidos. Sólo
>Argentina y México fueron dejados afuera (México es OCDE,  esa podría ser la
>explicación). NO hay ninguna explicación para la exclusión de Argentina de
>la lista de países en desarrollo.
>Saludos / Regards
>Lic. Beatriz Busaniche
>busaniche at caminandoutopias.org.ar
>Centro de Teletrabajo y Teleformación
>Carrera de Relaciones del Trabajo
>Universidad de Buenos Aires
>-----Mensaje original-----
>De: plenary-admin at wsis-cs.org [mailto:plenary-admin at wsis-cs.org] En nombre
>de veni markovski
>Enviado el: miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2003 12:01
>Para: plenary at wsis-cs.org
>Asunto: Re: [WSIS CS-Plenary] RV: Fellowships criteria
>>Following the fellowships criteria process, i have to inform that
>>Argentina is not a country in development anymore, at least for the
>>Civil Society
>I think that the problem with Argentina is the same like with Bulgaria -
>they both are NOT "least developed countries" (which, btw, is not bad;),
>and the funds are limited, so they go first to the LDC, then to the
>developing countries, among them Argentina, Bulgaria, etc.
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