[WSIS CS-Plenary] Resoulution and information by Tunesian Human Rights League franc ais et arabic

Pablo Accuosto accuosto at chasque.net
Thu Jul 8 18:37:15 BST 2004

Dear Annette,

Thank you for these valuable reports. We have published "Media under watch"
in english in our website: www.choike.org and will publish the others asap.

Pablo Accuosto
accuosto at chasque.net

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Muehlberg, Annette" <annette.muehlberg at verdi.de>
To: <plenary at wsis-cs.org>; "Bertrand de LA CHAPELLE (E-Mail)"
<lachapelle at openwsis.org>; "Ralf Bendrath (E-Mail)"
<bendrath at zedat.fu-berlin.de>; <wsis at ilpostino.jpberlin.de>
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 12:07 PM
Subject: [WSIS CS-Plenary] Resoulution and information by Tunesian Human
Rights League franc ais et arabic


the following informations where distributed by the Tunesian Human Rights
League at Prep Com 1 in Hammamed. I got them for you in digital version. It
would be helpful if you published them on your websites.

thank you and I wish you all the best

Annette Muehlberg

 <<ltdh Tunisia média under watch 2004 .doc>>  <<ltdh Tunisie medias sous
surveillance  2004 version française.doc>>  <<ltdh Tunisie medias sous
surveillance 2004 version arabe.doc>>  <<ltdh rapport la presse sinistree
2003  traduc englaise.doc>>  <<ltdh Rapport une presse sinistrée 2003 en
Français .doc>>  <<Resolution adopted by the Tunisian Civil Society
RepresentaRésolution SMSI anglais.doc>>  <<Résolution des Représentants de
la société civile SMSI juin 04.doc>>

Annette Mühlberg
Leiterin des Referats eGovernment,
Neue Medien, Verwaltungsmodernisierung
FB 7, ver.di Bundesvorstand
Potsdamer Platz 10
10785 Berlin

Fon: +49 30 6956-2244

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