[WSIS CS-Plenary] Who will be in Hammamet, updated 11 June

Rik Panganiban rikp at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 11 10:32:11 BST 2004

11 Juin 2004 / 11 June 2004

Chers Amis / Dear Friends,

Ici c'est la nouvelle liste des representants d'ONGs pour le juin 

Here is the updated list of NGO representatives who plan on being at 
the June WSIS prepcom:

•	Ezendu Ariwa 	e.ariwa at londonmet.ac.uk
•	Richard Baguma , 	UNA-Uganda
•	Karen Banks, APC 	karenb at gn.apc.org
•	Amir Barmaki 	westasiaregion at hotmail.com
•	Djilali Benamrane  dbenamrane at yahoo.com
•	Ralf Bendrath, German Civil Society Coordination Group 
bendrath at zedat.fu-berlin.de
•	Renata Bloem, CONGO 	rbloem at ngocongo.org
•	Christoph Bruch, Humanistische Union, 	c.bruch at gmx.de
•	Steve Buckley, AMARC 	steve at commedia.org.uk
•	Mavic Cabrera, ISIS International Manila 	mavic at isiswomen.org
•	Andy Carvin, EDC	acarvin at edc.org
•	Bertrand de la Chapelle, WSIS-online.net 	lachapelle at openwsis.org
•	Sibailly Douhoure, Union Network International
•	Olga Drossou, German Civil Society Coordination Group / 
Heinrich-Boell Foundation   	Drossou at BOELL.DE
•	Gianluca Eramo, Transnational Radical Party 	geramo at europarl.eu.int
•	Divina Frau-Meigs, IAMCR 	meigs at wanadoo.fr
•	Rikke Frank Joergensen 	rfj at humanrights.dk
•	Graciela  	graciela at rits.org.br
•	Jeanette Hoffmann 	jeanette at wz-berlin.de
•	Jane Johnson, UNA-Denmark	jane at una.dk
•	Esther Joly, AFNET et Ouvaton.coop  	esther.joly at club-internet.fr
•	Hiroshi Kawamura, DAISY Consortium 	hkawa at attglobal.net
•	Viola Krebs, International Conference Volunteers 
	viola at icvolunteers.org
•	Angelamaria Loreto, Ius Primi Viri (IPV) and the Centre on Human 
Evolution studies  	a.loreto at ceu.it
•	Nish-Muthoni Matenjwa, ABANTU 	nish at abantu.org
•	Elsa Mapilele , UNA-Mozambique
•	Diana Mercorios, ABANTU 	diana at abantu.org
•	Francis F. Muguet, International Journal of Molecular Sciences  
muguet at mdpi.org  	muguet at mdpi.net
•	Dorte Munch, UNA-Denmark  	dorte at una.dk
•	Tracy Naughton, Media Caucus 	t.naughton at iafrica.com
•	Adalbert Nouga, Village Suisse ONG  	ong at worldcom.ch
•	Rik Panganiban, CONGO / WFM 	rik.panganiban at ngocongo.org
•	Dr.Razzaghi
•	Saida, Coordinator Tunisian Civil Society saida.	SC at smsitunis2005.tn
•	Bruno Salgues, Institut National des Telecoms France 
	Bruno.Salgues at int-evry.fr
•	Joseph Sarr, Président Commission NTIC, Conseil Régional de Dakar 
jsarr at refer.sn
•	Domingo Tavarez, Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo
•	Christine Wenzel, German Civil Society Coordination Group  
christine.wenzel at web.de
•	Helen Yamo, Femme Africain Solidarité  	info at fasngo.org

Note that the Civil Society Officer within the WSIS Secretariat is Mr. 
Moncef Achour, who can be reached at:

Notez que le officier de societé civile dans le Secretariat de SMSI est 
M. Moncef Achour qui on peut contacter a:

Moncef Achour
Program Officer (civil Society)
c/o ITU-Place des Nations, CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland
Tel.: +41 22 730 63 65
Fax.:+41 22 730 6393
E-mail: moncef.achour at itu.int

-- Rik Panganiban
RIK PANGANIBAN       Communications Coordinator

Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship
with the United Nations (CONGO)
web: http://www.ngocongo.org
email: rik.panganiban at ngocongo.org
mobile: (+1) 917-710-5524 
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