FW: [WSIS CS-Plenary] Civil Society and the Multi-Stakeholderism

mclauglm at po.muohio.edu mclauglm at po.muohio.edu
Sun Apr 3 13:08:37 BST 2005

Dear Djilali and others,

I apologize for my inability to express myself in 
languages besides English. My Spanish is not 
good, and I have no ability to write in French. 
Unfortunately, "google language tools" and "babel 
fish" translations do not help us to communicate 
well. I appreciate what you are saying very much, 
and ILO is an interesting example. So here is 
another practical issue regarding process and 
substance: how do we include everyone in respect 
to language when, individually, we do not have in 
common a first language?

In French-Babel Fish:

Cher Djilali et d'autres,

Je fais des excuses pour mon incapacité de 
s'exprimer en langues sans compter que l'anglais. 
Mon Espagnol n'est pas bon, et je n'ai aucune 
capacité d'écrire en français. Malheureusement, 
les traductions "d'outils" et d'"babelfish" de 
langue de google ne nous aident pas à communiquer 
bien. J'apprécie ce que vous dites beaucoup, et 
l'OIT est un exemple intéressant. Tellement voici 
une autre issue pratique concernant le processus 
et la substance : comment incluons-nous chacun en 
ce qui concerne la langue quand, 
individuellement, nous n'avons pas en commun une 
première langue ?

>Relevant and important discussions on MSP issues both
>on substantive and procedure aspects ....
>1... We can note that this exchange is only in English
>as if other non English speaking persons are non
>concern by the debate... Those (a dozen of resource)
>persons who are involved are they official persons
>speaking on behalf of the whole ?
>2... Persons like Francis Muguet has been very active
>on the subject with official statement made in the
>Prepcom-2 plenary, is he working on the subject in the
>French world and if any how to coordinate ? If English
>are not interested to include non English, it will be
>difficult to coordinate... let's see what it is
>arriving in Tunis ?
>3... speaking on multipartenariat practices, i don't
>think that ICC was the best case, i do prefere to
>relate to ILO International Labor Organisation who is
>functionning on a tripartite sheme - States - trade
>unions if workers and trade unions of owners - all of
>them are represented with equity from each country....
>Rich as well as poor countries.... and it works since
>near one hundred years, before UNO creation.... and
>they do their best to try to correct the folish of the
>market rules and transnational companies request
>La domination de la composante anglophone de la
>sociÈtÈ civile est totale et mÈprisante, nul besoin de
>se fatiguer ý traduire mes Èlucubrations....
>Le monde non-englophone Ètant totalement absent de ce
>dÈbat sur les multipartenariat, soit il accepte d'Ítre
>marginalisÈ, soit il travaille de son cÙtÈ en marge du
>monde englophone ...
>Nous aurons l'occasion de faire le point ý Tunis
>--- mclauglm at po.muohio.edu wrote:
>>  I must correct myself on a couple of items below
>>  (before someone else
>>  does:-): 1) the UN Charter was signed by 50
>>  countries in 1945--two
>>  months later, the inclusion of Poland brought the
>>  number to 51; 2)
>>  not all original member-states were from Western
>>  nations (I
>>  inadvertently omitted an "almost" below) but the
>>  majority were so.
>>  In fairness to the ICC, the debate about allowing
>>  "private
>>  organizations" access  to, and consultative status
>>  with, the UN
>>  involved the much broader issue of whether or not
>>  NGOs (defined as
>>  any non-state actor at that time) should be afforded
>>  these privileges
>>  or whether the UN should be a state-centric
>>  organization that would
>>  not be influenced directly by civil society
>>  organizations.
>>  Apologies (I'm not a morning person),
>  > Lisa

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