[WSIS CS-Plenary] call for papers on CULTURAL DIVERSITY

libay linsangan cantor libay at isiswomen.org
Tue Mar 15 04:23:27 GMT 2005

Hi, please feel free to pass around.  Apologies for cross-posting.

Our guest editor for this issue is Fatima Lasay.  I will serve as the 
issue coordinator. 

We encourage interested contributors to discuss article ideas with us 
before submitting
their full papers.  Clarifications about the theme, the possible topics 
and further comments
are most welcome.  Please address all inquiries to libay at isiswomen.org.  
The deadline
for submissions is on 04 April 2005 but this is 'negotiable' if 
contributors can send
interesting and relevant articles and can pledge their commitment 
realistically. :)

Thank you.


Libay Linsangan Cantor
Media Info-Comm Campaigns Associate
("we!" news/ WIA issue co-ordinator)
Isis International Manila
<libay at isiswomen.org>


Women in Action, a magazine published by Isis International-Manila, 
covers a broad range
of issues affecting women globally, with focus on the particular needs 
and concerns of women
in the Global South as well as the problems of under-represented social 
groups in the Global North.
For its next issue (1, 2005), Women in Action will feature the theme 
"Cultural Diversity."

We welcome articles that discuss how women address problems pertaining 
to cultural diversity
in relation to the various aspects of ICT and media. We especially 
invite you to contribute
articles that bridge theoretical elaboration with practical 
implementation on the following topics:

Culture in relation to Identity, Development and Democracy:
-    How has the concept of cultural pluralism evolved from post-war 
reconstruction to the rise
of newly independent states to satisfy the processes of globalisation?
-    What kinds of dialogues between state and societal mechanisms do 
cultural policies reflect
towards constructive pluralism?
-    Do cultural policies and implementations for the protection and 
promotion of the diversity of
cultural expressions reaffirm or deny the rights and the full 
participation of women at all levels?

The accelerating interdependence between Culture and Economies:
-    Are cultural goods becoming consumer goods in the guise of 
promoting cultural diversity?
-    Have the events of 11 September 2001 and the resulting conflicts 
between cultural relativism
and fundamentalism, secularism and religion affected the production, 
dissemination and function
of culturally diverse goods and services?
-    Is the need for developing countries to participate in 
globalisation affecting our tangible and
intangible heritage as a result of the ambiguity/dialectic between 
cultural and economic value?
-    How can a balance be made between the rights of the owners of 
cultural expressions and the
rights of all people to access, enjoy, and participate in culture?
-    Who are the owners of "cultural expressions" and to which "culture" 
do they belong?

The growth of Multicultural Societies and how they redefine Cultural 
-    How are issues of marginalisation, social exclusion, economic and 
cultural rights being
addressed within societies themselves and in relation to others?
-    How do we balance cultural specificities and identities with more 
universal obligations?
-    How do the debates and practices surrounding international relief 
and aid affect cultural
approaches to natural disasters, HIV/AIDS, and armed conflict?
-    How do differing state conceptions on citizenship and sexual 
diversity affect the rights of
women, children and indigenous peoples?

We encourage you to submit photos, graphics or comic strips that may be 
used for your article
or for the issue in general. We provide a modest honorarium for articles 
and photos or graphics
that get published. Photos or artwork should be in TIFF format, scanned 
at 300 dpi. Please zip
the file before e-mailing it. You may also send it by post.

Articles should be within 1,500 - 2,000 word range. Deadline for 
submission is 04 April 2005.
When submitting an article, please indicate on the Subject line: <Women 
in Action: Cultural Diversity>.
Please write the article in Times New Roman font, 10 pts. font size, 
double space, and letter size
(8 ½" x 11") paper.

Please provide us with the following information:

Title of article
Short description of the article
Number of words
Tagline or short bio of the author/s
Postal address
Telephone number

You may submit your articles by regular post, fax or e-mail to:

Libay Linsangan Cantor
Women in Action Issue Coordinator
Isis International-Manila
3 Marunong St., Barangay Central
Quezon City, Philippines 1100
Tel: +632 928-1956
Fax: +632 924-1065
E-mail: libay at isiswomen.org and cc libay.cantor at gmail.com

To see previous online edition issues of Women In Action, please visit the
Isis website at http://www.isiswomen.org/.

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