[WSIS CS-Plenary] Informations about resumed PrepCom-3 in Tunis (13-15 November 2002)

CONGO - Philippe Dam wsis at iprolink.ch
Fri Nov 4 17:29:46 GMT 2005

Dear all, 


It has been confirmed that the resumed meetings of PrepCom-3 will take in
the Kram Exhibition Centre (Room of the Committee of the Whole, around 400
seats). PrepCom-3 will start meeting on 13 November at 12:00 with an
organisational Plenary. 


The WSIS ES decided that no overpass will be instituted for that meeting,
but due to the limited size of the meeting room, we were informed that only
30 seats will be reserved for CS observers in meetings we are allowed to
attend (Plenary meetings and Sub-Committees).


In this case, we highly encourage you to consider that these 30 seats should
in priority be used by CS participants who were actively involved in the
previous steps of the WSIS process. You must understand that this will be
the last round of negotiations, so that very high priority will be given
only to those who can propose specific language for negotiation to the parts
of the outcome documents under discussion.


The organisational aspect of this resumed PrepCom-3 in Tunis is not yet
finalized. Sub-Committee A, on Internet governance, will hold some sessions,
chaired by Ambassador Khan. But as regards Sub-Committee B on other Issues
(political chapeau, financial mechanisms, implementation and follow-up), it
is not quite sure if it would meet or if discussions would take place
directly in negotiation groups. Indeed it is not yet clear if Lindall
Shope-Mafole will be in Tunis for resumed PrepCom-3 to chair sub-committee
B, whereas Janis Karklins already chaired discussions in negotiation groups
in October on these issues and would go faster and further if he continues.
However he couldn't chair a sub-committee because of his other position of
chair of WSIS II PrepComs. 


There will another Intergovernmental Bureau meeting in Geneva next week, and
at this occasion we might have more definitive information about that.


Best regards, 


Philippe Dam
CONGO - WSIS CS Secretariat 
11, Avenue de la Paix
CH-1202 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 301 1000
Fax: +41 22 301 2000
E-mail:  <mailto:wsis at ngocongo.org> wsis at ngocongo.org
Website:  <BLOCKED::http://www.ngocongo.org> www.ngocongo.org 


The Conference of NGOs (CONGO) is an international, membership association
that facilitates the participation of NGOs in United Nations debates and
decisions. Founded in 1948, CONGO's major objective is to ensure the
presence of NGOs in exchanges among the world's governments and United
Nations agencies on issues of global concern.  For more information see our
website at www.ngocongo.org <BLOCKED::http://www.ngocongo.org/> 



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