[WSIS CS-Plenary] from IHT - "Internet users say debate over control misses point"

Ralf Bendrath bendrath at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sat Oct 1 19:45:23 BST 2005

Ronda wrote:
> Can someone explain what the events will be for the upcoming Tunis 
> Summit and what kinds of passes are needed to attend them?
Vittorio was kind enough t explain what you have to do to enter the summit
premises (find an accredited organization - if yours is not already
accredited), and then register yourself.

The _overpasses_ are a totally different thing. It's a crowd control 
mechanism they already used in the first summit, because the plenary hall 
can not accomodate all the people going to the summit. Overpasses are 
distributed through CS caucuses and families, and the requests have been 
delivered yesterday. Some people just don't understand that "reply" goes 
to the whole list, instead of to the CONGO staff kindly handling the pass 

Don't worry too much if you don't get any overpasses - the sessions will 
all be streamed and after the first day nobody really goes there anymore, 
as the ministers' speeches all tend to sound the same. And the passes can 
be passed on to other people, they are not linked to names.


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