[WSIS CS-Plenary] UNDP.DO supports multistakeholder partner

Daniel Pimienta pimienta at funredes.org
Mon Sep 19 17:48:19 BST 2005


1995: Funredes closed its operation in Dominican Republic as a consequence 
of UNDP.DO taking control of its network project (REDID) on the name of 
sustainability and leaving the bill of past year operation unpaid. 
Funredes, although severely weakened, continued, from its headquarters in 
DR, its regional and global actions and progressively retook its place in 
the regional field.

2003: Funredes reopened its activities in DR with the 
http://socinfodo.org.do project (a digital literacy project focusing CSOs) 
with support of the Dominican regulator, INDOTEL, in the framework of a 
Telecom Social Fund.

2003: Funredes coordinated a project funded by UNDP to create a methodology 
for MSP to be applied in national strategies for IS. The project was 
presented at the INSTITUTE at WSIS 
(http://www.ict-4d.org/exhiconf_forum_inst.htm). Its outcomes are published 
at http://wsis.funredes.org.

10/2003: Funredes accepted to join the Core Team for e.Dominicana 
(http://www.edominicana.gov.do/fase.htm), the national strategy, and to 
apply the methodology. Five months of hard work were realized in 
collaboration with the rest of team (composed by one INDOTEL consultant, 
one UNDP staff, two Funredes consultants and another freelance consultant, 
under the management of INDOTEL)

1/2004: FUNREDES resigned from the Core team since key elements of the 
vision were left aside as a reaction of the difficulties which occurred in 
the first key multi-stakeholders meeting, which was not managed by UNDP 
according to the defined methodology. FUNREDES however maintained a good 
civil society relationship with the ongoing process. This happened in the 
midst of a Dominican Presidential election.

8/2004 - 8/2005: Funredes asked the bill to be paid and look for local 
funds to launch the SOCINFODO phase 2 project.

8/2005: FUNREDES closed its operation in DR as a consequence of UNDP.DO 
negation to pay for the work accomplished. 

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