[WSIS CS-Plenary] Invitation to join the Working Group on Sub-Committee B

Bertrand de La Chapelle bdelachapelle at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 02:55:02 BST 2005

Dear all,
 The Content and Themes meeting has decided to formally establish a Working 
Group to address the issues dealt with in Sub-Committee B of the PrepCom3, 
mainly the general post-Tunis framework for implementation and follow-up. 
 The main objective of the group is to help establish an efficient and 
flexible followup framework for WSIS, that guarantees the full and effective 
involvement of all stakeholders and particularly civil society at local, 
regional and international levels. 
 The group is open. A mailing list has been opened to facilitate discussion 
and avoid cluttering of the Plenary list. Participation in the group is 
effective upon registration on the group's mailing list. Info and 
subscription to the list are accessible at : 
 *Posting and Archives*
 Posting is done through the following address :
followup at wsis-cs.org.Discussions will be archived like other CS lists
and the Archives are
public. Posting is not moderated and list members are requested to make as 
concise comments as possible to facilitate reading in a period of intense 
communcation. Warning : Reply-To function sends reply message to the whole 
 *Missions of the Group*
 The group will : 
- monitor discussions in the Sub-Committe B and report for actors who cannot 
be present in Geneva
- prepare statements and interventions and select speakers to present them 
in Sub-Committe B
- advocate CS positions to other stakeholders, including governments
- help define elements that could form part of future Civil Society 
declarations if the negociations do not evolve in a satisfactory way
- report every day on its activities, as appropriate in the Plenary and the 
Content and Themes meeting
- liaise with the Chair of Sub-Committe B on procedural matters and with the 
Internet Governance Caucus on potentially complementary issues
 I have been designated as initial focal point and facilitator. A few 
additional facilitators wil be designated in the coming days to share the 
responsibilities of monitoring, faciltating drafting and advocacy. People 
interested in being facilitators are invited to contact me. They are 
expected to meet the following criteria :
- having participated in the WSIS process or in other UN summits for enough 
time to be fully aware of the different dimensions of the issues
- having actively participated in the drafting of various 
- being willing to spend a significant amount of time in this activity
- being ready to facilitate the work of the group to allow consensus 
positions to emerge
 In order to facilitate identification by auditors, public statements in the 
PrepCom will be made under the name "CS Working Group on Implementation and 
Follow-up". Working methods of the group will be elaborated and detailed 
further as work progresses. Modifications of the present document, 
considered as an initial Group Charter, will be decided by the group as the 
need arise. 
 The group is set up at least for the period leading up to the Tunis Summit 
but could continue its activities afterwards if it can help the concrete 
setting up of the framework that will be adopted in Tunis or if it can 
contribute to the emergence of a better mechanism. 
 Thanks to Karen Banks for having set up the mailing list and hosting it.
 Looking forward to seing you on the group and on the list. 
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