[WSIS CS-Plenary] Plenary: Reporting and discussion

karen banks karenb at gn.apc.org
Sat Sep 24 16:49:08 BST 2005

dear all,

I've had quite a few people unsubscribe from the plenary list, who are not 
in geneva - not because they are not interested in following the process, 
but because the volume of the list is simply too high.

This always happens during prepcom as we use the list intensively for 
discussions, planning, drafting, reporting  - some of which is very 
important to those of us present, but which has a very short 'shelf-life' 
and is not very useful to those following remotely.

I was wondering if it would be useful to create a new list which would 
simply be for reports, drafts of statements and final statements.

For example, anyone who is monitoring sub-committee, reports from the CS 
bureau meetings, reports from meetings with government delegatations etc.

I think people participating remotely would miss the 'sense' or 'feel' of 
the process, but if this was important, they would need to stay subscribed 
to the plenary.

I would be happy to put some time into this, for example, by liaising with 
monitors of sub-committee, our working group focal points etc, and posting 
reports to this new list with clear subject lines - and - to post copies of 
reports that have been written to date.

the list could be called plenary-reports (or something similar)


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