[WSIS CS-Plenary] Next WSIS implementation and follow-up meetings - Action Line Facilitation and CSTD

Dr. Francis MUGUET muguet at mdpi.org
Fri Oct 13 02:46:56 BST 2006

Dear Philippe and everybody

English / Français

Thanks for alerting people again concerning this
series of next action lines meetings at UNESCO,
that are going to be very important for bridging
the digital divide, as well as other aspects of the
information society.

Contrary to the previous action lines meetings where only informal
exchange were held, these meetings have a far more
procedural and political nature.

In fact, for all the action lines, we have on the agenda :
( for e-science, there is no publicized agenda, but it is written
in the invitation letter )

4.Initial sharing by stakeholders of their respective actions and
priorities in the implementation of the Action Line C31

5.Modalities of the implementation of Action Line C3
a)Terms of reference of the Action line multi-stakeholder team
b)Terms of reference of the facilitator/moderator
c)Designation of a facilitator/moderator of the multi-stakeholder team
d)Activities of multi-stakeholder team and the expected outcomes

and only available for the C3 action line,
( in the english version whose text is different from
the french version ! )

Annex to the Provisional Agenda:
Proposed Modalities for Discussion under Items 4 and 5

A. Introduction
Given the breadth of the topics covered under Action Line C3,
it is necessary to identify and establish sub-working groups
on specific topics of the Action Line C3.
The preliminary proposal of sub-topics has been made by UNESCO
and is contained in the document
“Working methods of the multi-stakeholder team on Action Line C3”. While
UNESCO seeks to keep the discussion on initial sharing among the
stakeholders open and flexible, it seems important
to set up some modalities in order to shape the discussion
towards the establishment of these sub-topics and the identification
of group members taking into account the varied expertise
and priorities among the stakeholders.

B. Proposed Modalities for Discussion
Given the large number of stakeholders attending the first Consultation
the following modalities are proposed to assure the participation
of all stakeholders in an effective and inclusive discussion:
1. UNESCO will act as a moderator for the discussion, aiming at a
consensual agreement
on each issue by all stakeholders attending the meeting.
2. If no such consensual agreement can be reached on a given issue,
an open vote by hand sign may be initiated.
The vote will be decided by a simple majority of votes.
3. In the Item 4, stakeholders who take the floor are invited to focus
their comments on:
(a) the proposed clustering of sub-topics
(by suggesting a new sub-topic or the merger of the initially proposed
(b) their priorities among and within the sub-topics;
(c) the sub-topic(s) where the stakeholder can take an active role
either as a focal point or a group member.
4. The resulting list of initial sub-topics with possible names
of stakeholders will be used as a basis to establish
the working methods of the multi-stakeholder team (Item 5 d).

Other procedural issues :
Many documents are available only in English
and only with the non-interoperable word format.
PDF a proprietary, but interoperable format
should be preferred.

Keeping in line with the Geneva spirit, and considering
the important nature of those meetings,
it is suggested to that Civil Society should be able to meet
after each action line meeting :

Monday 16, CS meeting 16H45 - 19H30
after the action line meeting
C3 "Access to Knowledge" de 10H - 17H30

Tuesday 17, CS meeting 16H45 à 19H30
after the
Action Line C10 ''Ethical dimension of the Information Society''
( 10h – 17h30 )
in // other national or regional or thematic CS meeting could be held.

Wednesday 18, CS meeting 16H45 - 19H30
after the
Action Line C7 ''E-learning''
( 10h – 17h30 )

Thursday 19, after the Action Line C9 ''Media''
16H45 - 19H30

There could be several kind of CS meetings ;
plenary meetings,
as well as national or regional or thematic CS meetings
that could be he held in parallel.

Therefore, after consulting with the CSB that handles
procedural matters according to recognized
WSIS practices, a request has been sent to UNESCO
so that Civil Society be granted a conference
room at UNESCO to handle CS meetings each evening.

If there are requests for rooms by specific CS
groupings to handle meetings, please let me know,
and I would be glad to collect and transfer you
requests to UNESCO, check things out on site since
I live at a walking distance from UNESCO.

A cybercafé and Wifi has been also requested.

See you soon.


FRANCAIS ( partiel )


Les prochaines réunions de l'UNESCO seront très importantes
pour combler le fossé numérique et traiter d'autres aspects
non moins importants de la Société de l'Information.

Contrairement aux réunions précédentes des lignes d'action
à Genève, où n'a eu que des discussions, dans
les prochaines réunions de l'UNESCO, il y avoir des choix politiques
et des selections de personnes, comme on peut le
retrouver dans tous les agendas :

5.Présentation des actions et des priorités des multi-partie prenantes 
en vue de la mise en œuvre de la grande orientation C3

6. Modalités de mise en œuvre de la grande orientation C3
a) Termes de référence de l’équipe multipartenaire
b) Termes de référence du coordinateur/modérateur
c) Désignation d’un coordinateur/modérateur de l’équipe multipartenaire
d) Activités de l’équipe multipartenaire et résultats attendus
e) Divers

Dans la ligne C3, il y a une annexe dispo uniquement dans
la version anglaise qui donne des indications supplémentaires
où il est prévu, entre autres,
des votes à main levée à la majorité simple.

Autres problèmes procéduraux :
L'agenda de C9 media et l'annexe du C3
ne sont disponibles qu'en anglais

tous les documents sont sous format propriétaire secret word.

Pour renouer avec l'esprit de Genève, et considerant
la nature très politique de ces réunions
( ce ne seront pas des forums sans aucune décision à la clef )
il est proposé de tenir des reunions de la SC,
juste après la fin des réunions de l'UNESCO

Le lundi 16, une réunion de la SC de 16H45 à 19H30
juste après la réunion sur la ligne d'action
C3 "Accès à la Connaissance" de 10H - 17H30

le Mardi 17, une réunion de la SCde 16H45 à 19H30
juste après la réunion sur la ligne d'action
Action Line C10 ''Ethical dimension of the Information Society''
e 10h – 17h30
en // d'autres réunions regionales et thématiques seraient possibles.

le Mercredi 18, une réunion de la SC de 16H45 à 19H30
juste après la réunion sur la ligne d'action
Action Line C7 ''E-learning''
(10h – 17h30)

le Jeudi 19, juste après la réunion sur la ligne d'action
Action Line C9 ''Media'.

Le type des réunions peut ^etre soit une plénière globale,
soit des réunions réunions regionales, nationales ou thématiques
qui pourreint ^etre tenues en parallèle.

C'est pourqoui, après consultation du Bureau de la Société Civile,
qui traite des questions de procédure, une demande vient
d'^etre adressée à l'UNSECO pour qu'une salle soit mise à
la diposition de la société civile, chaque soir.

Les groupements regionaux ou thématiques de la société
civile peuvent également songer de faire leurs propres réunions.
Je suis à leur disposition pour centraliser les demandes de salles
et les transmettre, et verifier in situ,
comme j'habite à dix minutes à pieds de l'UNESCO.

Une demande également a été envoyé pour
un Cybercafé et le Wifi.

Bien cordialement



Francis F. MUGUET Ph.D 

MDPI Foundation Open Access Journals
Associate Publisher
http://www.mdpi.org   http://www.mdpi.net
muguet at mdpi.org       muguet at mdpi.net

ENSTA   Paris, France
KNIS lab.  Director 
"Knowledge Networks & Information Society" (KNIS)
muguet at ensta.fr   http://www.ensta.fr/~muguet

World Summit On the Information Society (WSIS)
Civil Society Working Groups
Scientific Information :  http://www.wsis-si.org  chair
Patents & Copyrights   :  http://www.wsis-pct.org co-chair
Financing Mechanismns  :  http://www.wsis-finance.org web

UNMSP project : http://www.unmsp.org
WTIS initiative: http://www.wtis.org

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