[WSIS CS-Plenary] TR: [most-shs] Invitation to an E-Dialogue on Creating an Inclusive Society: Practical Strategies to Promote Social Integration

CONGO - Conference of NGOs congo at ngocongo.org
Tue Jun 5 19:00:45 BST 2007

Fyi. Best, 




De : SHS [mailto:shs at unesco.org] 
Envoyé : mardi, 5. juin 2007 16:39
À : most-shs at lists.unesco.org
Objet : [most-shs] Invitation to an E-Dialogue on Creating an Inclusive
Society: Practical Strategies to Promote Social Integration


Invitation to an E-Dialogue on


Creating an Inclusive Society:

Practical Strategies to Promote Social Integration


23 May - 20 June 2007


This is to invite you or your organization to participate in an E-dialogue
on "Creating an Inclusive Society: Practical Strategies to Promote Social
Integration". This is a multi-stakeholder  dialogue  organized  by  the
Division  for  Social  Policy  and Development (DSPD) of the United Nations
Department  of  Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), in collaboration with
UNESCO and UN-HABITAT. The results of the online discussion will serve as
important guiding inputs to the Expert Group meeting to be organized by
DSPD/UNDESA, in collaboration with UNESCO's Management of Social
Transformations (MOST) Programme and UN-HABITAT, at UNESCO Headquarters from
10 to 13 September 2007.


Objectives of this E-Dialogue


1.	Explore essential elements necessary to create an inclusive society;

2.	Compile current initiatives and existing approaches in measuring the
"health" of societies (i.e., social inclusion/exclusion, citizen's
participation, safety or security) and identify their strengths and
3.	Identify the methodologies and information gathering processes which
could be used for measuring social integration/inclusion/cohesion; and 
4.	Create a knowledge-base of good practices in this area. 


It also aims to create a network of researchers, practitioners, local
communities and NGOs to work together to build a safe, stable and just
society for all.


Duration:      23 May - 20 June (4 weeks)




Week 1:   Critical elements necessary for creating an inclusive society (a
society for all)

Week 2:   Obstacles to social inclusion

Week 3:   How can we measure social integration/inclusion/cohesion?

Week 4:   Existing indicators



Click  <http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/inclusive_society/index.html> here for
direct Registration


Before proceeding further you are invited to first read the
<http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/inclusive_society/ground%20rules.html> ground


For more information:

For technical support, please contact:  <mailto:inclusive_society at un.org>
inclusive_society at un.org


Thank you for registering and for your active participation.


Please do not reply to this message


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