[WSIS CS-Plenary] Fwd: [governance] Call for Nominations - Internet Governance Caucus/Multi-Stake Holder Advisory Group (MAG).

Adam Peake ajp at glocom.ac.jp
Tue Apr 8 07:45:04 BST 2008

The Internet Governance Caucus has begun a 
process of making recommendations for new members 
of the IGF advisory group.  Information about the 
caucus nominating committee etc. below.

Any civil society organization or individual can 
make nominations. Self-nominations are OK. 
Recommendations should be sent to the IGF 
secretariat <igf at unog.ch> before the end of 
April, but sooner the better.

Funding will hopefully be available to support 
participation of MAG members from developing 
countries. Text from the report of the last MAG 
<http://www.intgovforum.org/Feb_igf_meeting/MAG.Summary.28.02.2008.v2.pdf > 
may be helpful:

"There was agreement that active and constructive 
participation of all members was required. 
Members were expected to take part in three 
meetings in Geneva, as well as in the annual IGF 
meeting and participate in online preparatory 
work. Ways of financing attendance of developing 
country members are being explored. All meetings 
also provide tools for remote members' 

The Geneva consultations typically last 3 days 
and the annual IGF 4 days.  Remote access is 
possible, particularly for the Geneva 


At 9:39 PM -0400 4/7/08, Robert Guerra wrote:
>The Internet Governance Caucus (IGC), 2008 
>Nominating Committee is issuing a call for 
>nominations for choosing Internet Governance 
>Caucus (IGC) recommendations for the IGF 
>Multi-Stake Holder Advisory Group (MAG).
>DEADLINE for submissions is:  April 13th - 23:59 Geneva Time
>Where to send nominations - 
><mailto:nomcom08 at lists.privaterra.org>nomcom08 at lists.privaterra.org
>Please submit nominations ­ including 
>self-nominations ­ for choosing Internet 
>Governance Caucus (IGC) recommendations for the 
>IGF Multi-Stake Holder Advisory Group (MAG).
>The recommended persons may or may not be IGC 
>members. However, they should have a civil 
>society identity, and broadly be in alignment 
>with positions given in our charter, and as 
>adopted by the caucus at different times.
>    1. In nominating someone else please obtain 
>the person¹s consent to be on the MAG if 
>selected, and to seek IGC¹s endorsement for her 
>    2. Each nomination should come with a brief 
>bio. It should mention with some clarity the 
>activities and/ or positions taken by the person 
>in the IG and information society arena.
>    3. Please also include a brief write up of 
>why the nominated person will be a good Civil 
>Society (CS)/ IGC representative on the MAG. 
>    4. Those who are already on the MAG may also 
>briefly mention about how they carried out their 
>responsibilities in the last two terms, in 
>advocating and pushing the wider CS positions, 
>and IGC¹s positions. Their level and manner of 
>engagement with the IGC, and the wider CS 
>constituencies, may also be mentioned.
>Nominations should also include an assurance 
>that if selected for the MAG one will keep up a 
>strong engagement with CS constituencies, 
>including and especially the IGC. One will both 
>keep CS constituencies and the IGC informed 
>about the MAG proceedings and related matters, 
>as well as present/ push their positions in the 
>Anyone can nominate, including members of the 
>nomcom. Self nominations are invited
>At a minimum, all nominations and self 
>nominations should consist of the following:
>1. Name
>2. Name of nominator (or self)
>3. Nationality
>4. Country of Residence
>5. Gender
>6. Short Bio relevant to IG
>7. What specific skills or experiences do you 
>have that make you a good candidate for the MAG
>Send nominations to the following email address 
><mailto:nomcom08 at lists.privaterra.org>nomcom08 at lists.privaterra.org
>Nomcom starts, and nomination for MAG opens-  April 6th, 2008
>Nomination close -  April 13th, 2008
>Nomcom confers between 13th and 16th, 2008
>Nomcom announces names of IGC nominees for MAG - April 17th, 2008
>Please note that DEADLINE for submissions is:  April 13th - 23:59 Geneva Time
>You received this message as a subscriber on the list:
>      governance at lists.cpsr.org
>To be removed from the list, send any message to:
>      governance-unsubscribe at lists.cpsr.org
>For all list information and functions, see:
>      http://lists.cpsr.org/lists/info/governance

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