[WSIS CS-Plenary] Fw: WINDS-LA Seminar: Strengthening EU-Latin America links in ICT research, July 3, Sao Paulo

alejandra davidziuk adavidziuk at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 30 16:12:52 BST 2008

--- On Sun, 6/29/08, communication at winds-la.eu <communication at winds-la.eu> wrote:
From: communication at winds-la.eu <communication at winds-la.eu>
Subject: WINDS-LA Seminar: Strengthening EU-Latin America links in ICT research, July 3, Sao Paulo
To: communication at winds-la.eu
Date: Sunday, June 29, 2008, 10:23 PM


EU-Latin America
links in ICT research: 

towards a joint
Roadmap" São Paulo, 3rd of July 2008

Politécnica - Universidade de São Paulo 

Mário Covas, Av. Professor Luciano Gualberto, travessa 3, nº 380, 

VídeoConference Room,
Cidade Universitária

Web Map

the support of the European Commission (EU), WINDS-Latin American Project (www.winds-la.ue) organizes
the "Strengthening EU-Latin America links in ICT research: towards a joint
Roadmap" Seminar. The event will be held in São Paulo, Brazil
on the 3rd of July 2008 at the Escola Politécnica - Universidade de São Paulo. 

objective of the Seminar is to gather European and Latin American experts,
research network representatives and policy makers working on ICT research to
discuss cooperation strategies between the two regions and to validate the
Euro-Latin American Multistakeholder Committee idea. 

Representatives of several Latin American
Science and Technology (S&T) Ministries and European experts will attend to
debate about policy recommendations on interregional cooperation on ICT, which
will be the basis of another event - in Brussels, October 2008 - where the
EU-LA Roadmap on ICT research will be introduce to the European Commission and
European actors involved in the field. 

More on the WINDS-Latin America

WINDS Latin America is a support action
funded by the European Commission with the aim to deepen strategic Research and
Development cooperation between Europe and Latin America in the field of
Information and Communication Technologies. The project is build around
Information services on European and Latin American excellence, R&D actors,
projects, results; Collaboration services that will facilitate the
aggregation of research actors around specific themes and the preparation of
collaboration projects; and support to a political dialogue process.

ICT research plays a key role in the EU Seventh Framework Programme for Research.
In the period 2007-2008, the European Commission (Directorate General
Information Society and Media) is supporting two projects aiming at
deepening strategic cooperation between Europe and Latin America on ICT
research, WINDS-LA, focusing on Argentina, Brazil and Mexico,
three emerging countries with both a long tradition of collaborating with the
EU on research topics and with a Science and Technology Agreement in place and SOLAR-ICT,
focusing on Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay,
countries with smaller economies with important and interesting openings for joint Euro-Latin American developments in

In this framework, WINDS-Latin
America is articulating an open consultation among European and Latin
American key stakeholders aimed at fostering EU-LA policy dialogue on ICT
research in a sustainable perspective. This consultation started with an
intense research effort that leads to the definition of 10 ICT themes of EU-LA common
benefit and interest, which have been validated and proposed to the European
Commission as potential areas for future FP7-funded cooperation. In parallel,
an analysis of the main obstacles to EU-LA cooperation and a search for best
collaboration practice are going on. During the São Paulo Seminar on July 3rd, the results of this work will be
shared and discussed with European and Latin American policy makers, with the
aim to elaborate and propose a EU-LA joint Roadmap for ICT research, which can articulate
efforts, priorities and mechanisms of financing for the next years.

If you would like to attend, interview the
WINDS Project general coordinator or regional coordinators, and/or receive more
information about the event agenda, contact us at communication at winds-la.eu

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