[Pal-dc] Global Impact Study releases user survey data

Melody Clark melclark at uw.edu
Mon Jul 16 14:59:27 BST 2012

The Global Impact Study is pleased to announce the release of our user survey data. Over 5,000 public access ICT users were surveyed in libraries, telecenters, and cybercafes in Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Ghana, and the Philippines. The data collected through these surveys is now publicly available in both SPSS/SAV and CSV formats. Accompanying the data at this time are two documents: a "readme" file that provides information on the complexities of the data, including survey skip patterns, and a document that explains new variables that have been added to the data to aid in data analysis.

We will also be releasing more documents on the user survey and user survey data, including sampling strategies, in the coming weeks, which can all be found in the Global Impact Study web library<http://library.globalimpactstudy.org/>. Data from our venue and non-user surveys will also be released in the near future.

We look forward to hearing how you are using the data!

Access & download user survey data:

*         Create a free user account to login to our web library<http://library.globalimpactstudy.org/user/register>
*         Download user survey data & readme file in SPSS/SAV format<http://library.globalimpactstudy.org/doc/user-survey-data-spsssav-format>
*         Download user survey data & readme file in CSV format<http://library.globalimpactstudy.org/doc/user-survey-data-csv-format>

Access & download related documents:

*         Survey methodology report<http://library.globalimpactstudy.org/doc/global-impact-study-surveys-methodologies-and-implementation>
*         User survey instrument<http://library.globalimpactstudy.org/doc/user-survey-instrument>
*         User survey codebook<http://library.globalimpactstudy.org/doc/user-survey-codebook>

Melody Clark
Research Coordinator | Global Impact Study
Technology & Social Change (TASCHA)
melclark at uw.edu<mailto:melclark at uw.edu> | 206.685.7819
Twitter: @ictimpact<http://twitter.com/#!/ICTimpact> | @melodyrclark<https://twitter.com/#!/melodyrclark>

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