[WSIS CS-Plenary] PROPOSAL: PrepCom III Coordination

karen banks karenb at gn.apc.org
Tue Aug 5 08:43:41 BST 2003

hi victor

>2. The Content and Themes group did a very important job and did it very
>very well! I think the broadly endorsed declaration on main points is still
>valid. But, the main parts of interest for Civil Society were cut by the
>governments! I think our points are more or less clear (gender,
>communication rights, community media, respect for culture, human
>development etc.).  What we have to think about, more then about new
>declarations, is how do we empower ourselves in such a way that our main
>key items will have to be considered publicly. Do we have to organize
>alternative meetings? Media-strategies? Strategic Alliances?

I agree with you - and I think ralf might have had a media outreach group 
in an earlier draft - anyway, it *was* in an original draft and has been 
lost en-route ;)

maybe this could be linked in with the lobbying work that was identified 
(strategic alliances)


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