[WSIS CS-Plenary] 2 points

Val é rie Peugeot vpeugeot at vecam.org
Wed Aug 27 23:28:27 BST 2003

hello to every body,

after catching up with my mails just a few comments

1/ totally supporting Sean 5 points paper (+ francis's 6 point)
But I do not see the point for the task force, the debate should not be re
opened, we have to concentrate our energy on other issues.
The last proposal (4th of august) seems fine.

2/ regarding translation issues
Francophonia is keen on helping us with translation into French at least.
They are paying the travel expanses for one or 2 people who could attend
prepcom3 and help us with the translation of CS documents.

I almost found those people I think, but if you have other suggestions,
please let me know.

This is only for Prepcom, but is better then nothing...

have a good day,


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