[WSIS CS-Plenary] About comments to the documents

Renata BLOEM rbloem at ngocongo.org
Fri Jul 11 19:02:57 BST 2003

Dear Sally, Bill and all.

Thanks, it is such a good constructive document that because of the short
time limit we sent it to day for signatures. I hope therefore that not too
big changes will be made.

-----Original Message-----
From: plenary-admin at wsis-cs.org [mailto:plenary-admin at wsis-cs.org]On
Behalf Of Sally Burch - ALAI
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 5:01 PM
To: ct at wsis-cs.org; Plenary at wsis-cs.org
Subject: [WSIS CS-Plenary] About comments to the documents

Thanks to everyone who has sent in comments on the document.
We will do our best to incorporate the suggested modifications.
except, perhaps, any are likely to be particularly polemical or that
would considerably lengthen the document.  We will consider what
to do with the proposal on work/employment (sent in Spanish). In
effect this is an important issue and maybe we should give it the
space even if it means lengthening the document.  I will post the
proposal to the list in English shortly for others to comment.

With respect to any other issues that are missing and would
require more lengthy development, we should remember that there
will also be space to address more specific issues in greater detail
in specific documents.

We would have liked to get the document out earlier for comment
but as much of the caucus input only came in this week it was not
possible.  So those who have made suggestions for modifications,
it would help us if you could send us specific and concise language
today.  We want to finalize the document by tomorrow to give time
to those who prefer to see the final version before endorsing it.

We cannot, of course, expect a consensus document to be perfect
for everyone; that is part of the compromise that consensus implies.


Sally Burch - Directora Ejecutiva
Agencia Latinomericana de Informacion -
INTERNET: sburch at alainet.org
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Telefono: (593 2) 250 5074 / 222 1570  / 252 8716
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