[WSIS CS-Plenary] European Civil Society Meeting with European Commission?

Jean-Pierre Pinet jeanpierre.pinet at atd-quartmonde.org
Thu Jul 17 14:28:44 BST 2003

Chers tous,

- Est-ce finalement certains que ce groupe sera cree ? Bruno Oudet (a la
pause de 10h) etait decu du peu de soutien de l'ambassadeur de France. Ce
groupe va-t-il exister ou non ?

- est-il deja possible (sur le site ?) d'avoir une premiere liste de ceux
qui voudraient participer ?

- L'UE n'a pas de tradition de consultation structuree de la societe civile
(au contraire de l'ONU qui, jusque la avait au moins un systeme de relation
avec les ONG dont la CONGO est un exemple et l'accreditation des ONG a
differents niveau un autre. La creation de ce groupe pourrait ouvrir la voie
a une structuration sur le plan europeen.

J.P. Pinet

-----Message d'origine-----
De : plenary-admin at wsis-cs.org [mailto:plenary-admin at wsis-cs.org]De la part
de Veni Markovski
Envoye : jeudi 17 juillet 2003 11:44
A : plenary at wsis-cs.org; wsis at ilpostino.jpberlin.de
Objet : Re: [WSIS CS-Plenary] European Civil Society Meeting with European

I also talked to Bruno in this morning plenary of the CS.
He has a list of participants, unfortuanately only 6-7 people there.
As a coordinator of the Europe, CIS and North America family, I believe
this is a perfect way to approach the EU, and we must ensure this to happen


At 15:50 16.07.2003 'Ц.', Georg C. F. Greve wrote:
>Hi all,
>I just talked to Mr. Oudet, a member of the French delegation and he
>had major interest in organizing/supporting a meeting of the European
>civil societies with the European Commission.
>His suggestion was to gather the interested parties and approach the
>Italian representatives speaking for the EU here to maybe organize a
>meeting on Thursday evening.
>The EU countries agree upon and define their position on the European
>Commission level, so this seems like an excellent opportunity imho.
>So we need to come up with a list of those of us who would like to
>consult with the European Commission.
>To keep things simple and speedy, I'd suggest that every organization
>interested in participating simply repies to this mail with the name
>of your SC and whether you are currently represented in Paris.
>Georg Greve
>Georg C. F. Greve                                 <greve at fsfeurope.org>
>Free Software Foundation Europe                  (http://fsfeurope.org)
>GNU Business Network                        (http://mailman.gnubiz.org)
>Brave GNU World                            (http://brave-gnu-world.org)

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