[WSIS CS-Plenary] Re: Opening Ceremony Speaker PCT proposal : Richard Stallman

Ralf Bendrath ralf.bendrath at sfb597.uni-bremen.de
Thu Nov 6 13:39:54 GMT 2003

Hi Francis, hi all,

I like Richard Stallmann and have highest respect for what he has
achieved, but:

> Without Richard Stallman, the information society would probably be the
> dominion of ruthless monopolies, leaving little practical possibilities
> for any freedom at all. 
This is a pretty arrogant position and it is plainly wrong. I question
this whole world view, where important bright (normally white male) men
save the world from whatever evil. This totally neglects the role of
social movements and historic trends.

> Richard Stallman is well versed with all the
> technical, legal, economical and philosophical aspects of the issues of
> the Civil Society.
So are a whole number of people.

> It is proposed that in the name of the CS; Richard Stallman
> would publicly challenge Mr. Frits Bolkestein, the European
> Commissioner to accept the decision of the European parliament and
> not to try to remove the patent directive,
This is an inner-European political problem at the moment. As important
as it may be for the rest of the world, I am not sure it is appropriate
for the World Summit. There are a number of big problems in other parts
of the world. Just read the African Caucus statement again from the
Paris Intersessional: 

Again: I don't want to criticize RMS for what he is doing or has
achieved. It was and is really great. 

I just want to question the assumption that RMS and the issue of Free
Software are representative for the majority and the diversity of global
civil society and it issues.

Best, Ralf

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