[WSIS CS-Plenary] Please, no more speaker on "multistakholderism" !

fortinp at club-internet.fr fortinp at club-internet.fr
Mon Nov 10 17:46:26 GMT 2003

Hi all,

>1.1  Name:
>Prof. Wolfgang Kleinwæchter

No doubt Wolfgang Kleinwæchter is a very respectable Professor and has been very active till the beginning of WSIS. 

But,this former Mc Bride Round Table Secretary General (Hey ! it's not any more in his biography ;-)is  nowadays one of the most passionate - even "dogmatic" in my opinion - promoter the famous multistakholder decision making process (with every body on an "equal footing" in decision taking whatever his/her legitimacy) which is perhaps one of the most controversial issues within WSIS plenary. 

So, I can't imagine one second him or anyone else promoting multistakhoferism speaking in the name of civil society neither at the opening ceremony nor in the official plenary ( WSIS round tables are mainly "decorum". So...).

Indeed, we have several consensual issues within WSIS CS in relation to : 

- human rights,
- capacity building
- free software
- privacy/netwotk security
- cultural diversity
- etc.

Thus, let's prioritise those issues where there's a rough consensus amongst CSOs at the opening ceremony AND at the offcial pleanry and some others that are crucial in regard to the so-called "digital divide" (i.e. : finance and infrastructure).


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