[WSIS CS-Plenary] RE: [Bureau] RE: Message on registration and overpasses

John R. Gagain Jr. j.gagain at funglode.org
Tue Nov 25 03:27:18 GMT 2003

[As this responds to Nick who copied to Plenary, I am forwarding.  Sean]

Dear All,

I agree with and support Nick's sentiments below.  Content groups / caucuses
have been created, re-created, canceled, etc all on an ad-hoc on-going basis
throughout the WSIS process.  YJ, you mention that these groups have been
"more active", but I believe you must be clear and state "substantively
actively" and I dont think that we should say that any one entity has been
more active or better.  All mechanisms have played their role in an extreme
effort to collaborate.

Additionally, the "substantively active" has been due to the fact that since
the very beginning we have established that the CSB would not involve itself
in substance and to this day, its only involvement in such has been the
presence of the CT Working Group as an observer on the WSIS Civil Society
Bureau.  The role of the CSB has proved to be invaluable and increasingly
served to fill an important role since the Paris Intersessional.  Please do
not downplay that role due to its mandate and limits on addressing

John R. Gagain Jr.
Think-Tanks Focal Point
WSIS Civil Society Bureau
j.gagain at funglode.org

-----Mensaje original-----
De: bureau-admin at wsis-cs.org [mailto:bureau-admin at wsis-cs.org]En nombre
de Nick Moraitis
Enviado el: Sunday, November 23, 2003 10:23 PM
Para: bureau at geneva2003.org; bureau at wsis-cs.org
CC: plenary at wsis-cs.org
Asunto: [Bureau] RE: Message on registration and overpasses

Hi all,

Not terribly fussed on this, but my personal input would be that I
generally feel like it should be kept simple - with the families
responsible alone. I don't know what the basis of Caucuses and Working
Groups is or how new ones are created and recognized by others as
existing. I do get the impression that they are generally considered
"content groups".  On the other hand, the definition, role and number of
actors within the Bureau and the role of the Secretariat seems clearer,
more logistic-oriented, and more suited to this task - as per the
descriptions on:

I suggest that the agreed families (perhaps excluding the Regional
families) should "enable any civil society entity to find a 'home'" and
if not the Secretariat should keep some extra passes over for those on a
first come-first-serve basis who "chose not to associate with some or
all of the above entities".

Louise, one question - if the youth caucus were to submit a list of
names for 30 people for the Opening Session to assist with security and
advance planning, when would be the last date to submit such a list, and
what possibility would there be to change names? (considering for
example, any unforseen but probably likely complications with travel and
visas for a few participants?).

Youth Family/Caucus facilitator

-----Original Message-----
 >From: bureau-request at geneva2003.org
[mailto:bureau-request at geneva2003.org] On Behalf Of YJ Park
Sent: November 24, 2003 1:01 AM
To: bureau at geneva2003.org; bureau at wsis-cs.org
Cc: plenary at wsis-cs.org
Subject: Re: Message on registration and overpasses

Thank Sean for pointing this out.

As it has been observed in the WSIS civil society process,
more active partcipation and coordination has been done
through working groups and caucuses in cooperation with
CS content and theme group on the volunteer basis.

In principle, CS family structure in the civil society proposed
by CSD is supposed to play a role of organizer or coordinator
but most substantial coordination has been made by volunteers
from civil society plenary so far.

As Sean addressed, it seems more natural for CS working
groups or caucuses to handle this issue in conjunction with family.
Therefore, the following proposal sounds more reasonable than
only family inputs.

Working groups and Caucuses:  27 of these each with 8 = 216
(assumption that many family members are part of WGs)
Bureau Families 21 families each with 4 =   84
Content & Themes group 5
Total pre allocated:  305
First comes first served = 295

One more clarification about the number of passes. Technically,
as requested if 22 family provides 30 members, it is 660. How many
passes are we talking about here? I thought 295.

----- Original Message -----
 >From: Sean O Siochru
To: bureau at geneva2003.org ; bureau at wsis-cs.org
Cc: plenary at wsis-cs.org
Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2003 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: Message on registration and overpasses


Renata's suggestions of November 6th, developed by a group of us,
proposed that passes be made available as follows:


<Working groups and Caucuses:  27 of these each with 8 = 216 (assumption
that many family members are part of WGs)
<Bureau Families 21 families each with 4 =   84
<Content & Themes group 5

<Total pre allocated:  305
<First comes first served = 295.

Why are families being asked to come with 30 names each?  Why not the
working groups and caucuses?


At 17:08 21/11/2003 +0100, Louise Lassonde wrote:

Dear Bureau members,


We would like to inform you of the state of registration as of today.
So far, 3000 Civil Society participants have registered and we expect
25% more to come in the next weeks;
1000 governement, we expect at least 2X more to come in the next weeks.


600 overpasses have been allocated to Civil Society and we have
requested 150 more for the World Electronic Media Forum.
Renate Bloem (NGO Family) made a proposal on the 6th November on the
allocation of overpasses.
In addition, it seems appropriate for the opening ceremony to have a
name list well in advance for security reasons.  May we ask each family
to draw up a list of 30 names (in order of priority).

Best regards,


Cher Membre du Bureau,


Nous aimerions vous informer de létat davancement de lenregistrement
au jour daujourdhui.
Pour le moment,3000 participants de la société civile se sont
et nous
prévoyons encore 25% dinscriptions supplémentaires durant les
prochaines semaines ; 1000 représentants des gouvernements, nous
prévoyons au moins le double pour les prochaines semaines.


600 laissez-passer ont été alloués à la société civile et nous en avons
demandé 150 de plus pour le World Electronic Media Forum.
Renate a fait une proposition le 6 novembre concernant lallocation des
De plus, il semble approprié pour louverture de la cérémonie davoir à
lavance une liste de noms pour des questions de sécurité.
Pourrions-nous demander à chaque famille de dresser une liste de 30 noms

(par ordre de priorité).

Meilleures salutations

The Secretariat
Civil Society Division
World Summit on the Information

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