[WSIS CS-Plenary] CS meeting in Tunis 22-23 June?

Andy=20Carvin acarvin at edc.org
Mon Apr 5 16:47:54 BST 2004

Hi Rik,

I think it would be very useful to have a couple of days of CS pre-prepcom meetings, particularly an orientation for those of us who will be attending our first prepcom. I think first timers might be somewhat intimidated by the process and an orientation/primer could be very  useful...

andy carvin
edc center for media & community

rik wrote:
Given that the first official preparatory meeting for the Tunis Phase of the WSIS will likely be June 24-26 June in Tunis, do people feel that it would be helpful to convene civil society meetings prior to the official meetings?  If so, we should be approaching the Tunis secretariat about making arrangements for CS meeting spaces, computers and other logistical arrangements.


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