[WSIS CS-Plenary] FW: Special Invitation to our conference

info at virtualactivism.net info at virtualactivism.net
Wed Aug 18 15:49:56 BST 2004

This is a total hoax. In fact I teach it to my students [and to NGOs] as
an example of an elaborate hoax and how to spot a hoax. They actually
improved upon it now and have a website, although it used to come by
email before. The website makes it more impressive to those who do not
know. First, the site has an address from a free website which is
orgsites.com . Also, it has yahoo and hotmail as email addresses. For an
organization that purports to invite 6 participants per organization,
the least is that it can afford a website.. no? Or a logo? Also, the
organization is not in any search engine, nor are the names of the
people  involved. The problem with this hoax is not the passport numbers
because they cannot do anything with that [I hope!!] But the problem is
that they ask you to pay for an 'hotel specially reserved for you'  and
when you pay of course [via a hotmail address], you have lost the money.

There are of course many many other indications, but those are enough
for now. 
Please make sure to tell about this hoax to as many people as you can
because NGOs HAVE fallen for it and I have received calls for help from
such organizations. 

Marlyn Tadros, Ph.D
Executive Director
مارلين تادرس

-----Original Message-----
From: Hossein Amir [mailto:westasiaregion at hotmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 6:05 AM
To: plenary at wsis-cs.org
Subject: [WSIS CS-Plenary] FW: Special Invitation to our conference

Dear All

This is an invitation I receved recently on youth, does anyone has any
of is it a valid group or cofnerence or not?



>From: "international youth conf international youth conf" 
><internationalyouthconf at usa.com>
>To: westasiaregion at hotmail.com
>Subject: Special Invitation to our conference
>Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 14:31:57 -0500
>Special Invitation
>Dear Colleagues,
>Over the years, the global planning summit for HIV/AIDS, Drug Abuse,
>and Violent preventions have brought together youth health
>around the globe to network and learn from each other about youth
>This year, the steering Committee has decided to enhance and expand the

>format of the meeting. To reflect this change, the name of the meeting
>been changed to International Youth Conference (IYC). The 2004 meeting
>compose of two-planned international conference to be held from Sept
>to 30th, 2004 in Florida, United states and on Oct. 03rd to 8th 2004 in

>Madrid, Spain.
>The theme of the conference is to educate and retooling to maximize the

>power of prevention. The steering committee is planning an extremely 
>rewarding and though- provoking meeting.
>In addition to the focus on the global planning, this year’s conference

>also will provide participants with a forum for information sharing,
>building, lesson learned, and networking opportunities. The 2004
>will showcase several workshops, as well as roundtables and other
>designed for staff and health professionals for prevention programs.
>The goal of the meeting is to bring together the youth professionals to

>facilitate increased linkages among professionals, community based 
>organizations and capacity building assistance providers, as well as
>world health organization, and the international agencies for the 
>prevention programs.
>The purpose of these linkages is to be more effective in providing
>preventive programs. In the light of the steering committee initiative,

>advancing the menace prevention, new strategies for a changing
>there is a greater emphasis on the prevention needs of the people
>with the menace, counseling and testing including rapid testing, and 
>creating effective linkages between prevention and care.
>See the registration procedure at the website 
>www.orgsites.com/fl/internationalyouthconf , the flight air ticket thro
>fro the two conference Venues will be provided by the organizers and 
>sponsors of the conferences free including the hotel accommodation for
>For registration and participation contact any of the following
>with photocopies of your International passport for proper registration

>confirmation: John Newton, or Roger Philips e-mail, 
>internationalyouthconf at usa.com, rogerphilips5050 at usa.com, Interworld
>Development foundations. 956, 7th AVENUE, SOUTH NAPLES, FL, 34102 TEL: 
>+1-321-238-2132, Fax: +1-315-292-5403,or Spain: johnnewton2004 at usa.com,
>Tel: (+00)34-657-041549, Tel: (+00) 34-646-939-625 Interested
>should submit application forms before 25th August, 2004 with completed

>registration Application form to enable process visa documents for
>that need visa to enter united states and Spain.
>For more information visit our website: 
>We look forward to seeing you in Florida, United States and Spain.
>Yours Sincerely,
>Dr. John Newton
>(Secretary Organizing Committee)
>Sign-up for Ads Free at Mail.com

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