[WSIS CS-Plenary] second annual report of the UN ICT Task Force just published

Ralf Bendrath bendrath at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue Aug 24 19:05:06 BST 2004

(French and Spanish below)

Hi all, 

the second annual report of the UN ICT Task Force just came out today
(in proprietary format again - when will they learn it?).

Remember the next meeting of the Task Force in Berlin from 19-20
November 2004 here in Berlin. The German WSIS coordination group will
meet Friday next week and start planning for civil society events around
this. Let us know if you also plan or are interested in helping with

Best, Ralf


*babelfish french*

Bonjour tous, 

le deuxième rapport annuel annuel du groupe de travail de travail de
l'ONU ICT est juste venu hors d'aujourd'hui (dans le format de propriété
industrielle encore - quand ils l'apprendront ?). 

Rappelez-vous la prochaine réunion du groupe de travail de travail à
Berlin à partir du 19-20 novembre 2004 ici à Berlin. Le groupe de
coordination allemand de WSIS rencontrera vendredi la semaine prochaine
et commencera à projeter pour des événements civils de société autour de
ceci. Faites-nous savoir si vous également projetez ou êtes intéressé à
aider avec quelque chose. 

Mieux, Ralf


*babelfish spanish*

Hi todos, 

el segundo informe anual del destacamento de fuerzas de la O.N.U ICT
acaba de venir fuera de hoy (en formato propietario otra vez - cuando lo

Recuerde la reunión siguiente del destacamento de fuerzas en Berlín
desde el 19-20 noviembre de 2004 aquí en Berlín. El grupo de
coordinación alemán de WSIS resolverá viernes la semana próxima y
comenzará a planear para los acontecimientos civiles de la sociedad
alrededor de esto. Sepamos si usted también planea o está interesado en
ayudar con algo. 

Lo más mejor Posible, Ralf



Second annual report of the Information and Communication Technologies
Task Force


In its second year, the Information and Communication Technologies Task
Force, through its core activities, working groups, and regional nodes,
successfully served as a multi-stakeholder mechanism to facilitate and
promote collaborative initiatives at the regional, subregional and
national levels and to mobilize new public and private resources to
support information and communication technologies (ICT)-for-development
programmes and projects. The Task Force facilitated the pooling of
relevant experience of both developed and developing countries and the
sharing of lessons learned in introducing and promoting ICT. Its ability
to leverage extensive networks and to develop new models of
collaboration to advance the global effort to bridge the digital divide
and foster digital opportunity has established the Task Force as an
effective and influential platform to mobilize worldwide support and
action to harness the potential of ICT for the objective of attaining
the Millennium Development Goals. The Task Force was instrumental in
placing development at the centre of the outcomes of the first phase of
the World Summit on the Information Society held in Geneva. It will
continue to pursue a focused strategy to build upon its demonstrated

Author: 	UN ICT Task Force Secretariat
Posted on: 	24 August 2004
Language: 	English

    * E200462.doc (309.00 Ko)

    * E200462Corr.1.doc (43.00 Ko)

Areas: 	African Stakeholders Network (ASN), Arab States, Asia, Business
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, Enabling Environment, Europe and
Central Asia, Human Resource Development and Capacity Building, ICT
Policy and Governance, Latin America and the Caribbean, Low Cost
Connectivity and Access, Members Only, Moscow Node, National and
Regional e-Strategies, Panel of Advisors, Working Party on ICT
Indicators and MDG Mapping

Related Themes: 	Digital Divide, Millenium Development Goals, United

Posted by: 	Serge KAPTO

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