[WSIS CS-Plenary] WSIS-Hammamet: Education family and working group report
Jak Archibald
james.archibald at mcgill.ca
Thu Jul 8 15:58:06 BST 2004
Dear Colleagues,
With respect to the "synergy of partnerships", some of those in the
Education Family may be interested in the colloquium described below.
Please note that French is the official language of the colloquium.
The proceedings of the previous colloquium on localization are now in
press and will be available in the third trimester of 2004. Reference:
Archibald, J. dir. La localisation, problématique de la formation.
MONTRÉAL: Linguatech éditeur, 2004 (in press). This text includes papers
by the following contributors: Dyane Adam (Commissaire aux langues
officielles, Canada), Marc Charron (Université du Québec en Outaouais),
Mathieu Guidère (Université Lumière Lyon 2 et CREC St-Cyr), Daniel
Gouadec (Université Rennes 2 Haute Bretagne), Jean Quirion (Université
du Québec en Outaouais), Marie Trincaretto (Institut Libre Marie Haps -
Bruxelles) et moi-même.
Please feel free to disseminate this information as you see fit.
Best regards,
J. Archibald
La localisation sur la Toile
30 juin 2004
L'UFR en traduction de l'Université McGill vient de lancer son appel à
communication à l'intention de tous ceux qui voudraient participer au
deuxième colloque international sur la localisation qui se tiendra à
cette université en octobre 2004.
D'après LISA (la Localization Industry Standards Association), la
localisation consiste en l'adaptation culturelle et linguistique d'un
objet compte tenu du contexte dans lequel il servira.
Vu la grande réussite d'un premier colloque tenu en 2002 sur la
formation des localisateurs, c'est-à-dire les langagiers professionnels
dans le domaine de la localisation, le colloque de 2004 aura comme point
de mire les politiques, stratégies et pratiques mises en application
dans la localisation de cet espace de communication de plus en plus
omniprésent : le site Web.
Les participants étudieront des sites institutionnels régis par les
organismes et pouvoirs publics francophones, bilingues et plurilingues
entre autres ainsi que des sites commerciaux créés par les sociétés
multinationales. Des exemples tirés du commerce électronique et de la
publicité sur Internet viendront illustrer ces exposés. On s'intéressera
surtout aux politiques en matière de langue, de traduction et de
communication qui influencent de nos jours la coprésence de diverses
langues sur la Toile. Il sera principalement question de l'emploi du
français sur la Toile et des rapports entre cette langue et d'autres que
l'on retrouve dans cette agora moderne.
L'étude et l'analyse de sites Web localisés informeront la description
et l'explication des politiques et pratiques linguistiques dans cette «
zone sensible ». Ces questions seront étudiées à la lumière des
politiques linguistiques et des stratégies de communication qui prennent
forme progressivement dans le contexte d'un mouvement international
destiné à mieux définir « les sociétés de l'information, de la
communication et du savoir » d'aujourdhui et de demain.
Source :
Orbicom http://www.orbicom.uqam.ca/index_fr.html
Personne-ressource :
J. Archibald
UFR en traduction
Université McGill
-----Original Message-----
From: plenary-admin at wsis-cs.org [mailto:plenary-admin at wsis-cs.org] On
Behalf Of Meigs
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 2:30 AM
To: plenary at wsis-cs.org; Frank Morgan; Ole Prehn
Cc: hans.falk.hoffmann at cern.ch; b.loing at noos.fr; A.Plathe at unesco.org;
Monique.Fouilhoux at ei-ie.org; JMTORNERO at telefonica.net; OETI
Subject: [WSIS CS-Plenary] WSIS-Hammamet: Education family and working
group report
The education family met as a working group twice in Hammamet (Prepcom
1), on the 25 and 26 of June 2004. To give more visibility to education
activities, several points/needs were raised on the agenda :
1) The need to create an education family working group
The second phase of the Summit is different from the first one, where
most of our members were involved in drafting activities. This phase is
about implementation, taking the Action Plan as a guideline. This
working group could be organized around a steering committee with
clearly defined missions and responsibilities around education and
research issues.
2) The need to identify state of the art practices in the field of
education, training and research. Education is not a late-comer in the
field of information society. Many experiences adapted to local needs
exist around the world. Various people in Hammamet presented their
projects to the working group and a lot of activities are going on. What
is needed is to identify them more clearly and to see how they can be
transferable. Beyond that be to compile a list of projects and
organizations that are working in this specific field, to make the data
available worldwide and to showcase some original programs in a
WSIS-related event. I will issue a questionnaire in September to help
locate organizations and activities.
3) The need to prioritize issues and determine what can be done in
short term (until Tunis 2005) and in the longer term (beyond Tunis). In
relation to the Action plan, about half the points made relate in one
way or another to education. Among the most urgent priorities identified
by the group is a major focus on the development of long distance
training materials. it would seem a useful time to get a few people
together working in this area to see where syngergies and collaboration
might be beneficial. Several partners have already joined this process
with enthusiasm : APC, MENTOR, IAMCR, ICDE, present at Hammamet. This
list is not closed and everybody is invited to join. The idea would be
to capitalize on initiatives such as the ITRAINOnline
initiative, the UNESCO funded MultiMedia Training kit project and the
funded IMARC initiative. They present the advantage of working with the
open source community which has developed methodologies and standards
that could be carried further.
4) The need to identify other entities, families and sectors to work
with us, in synergy and in partnerships. It is apparent that a variety
of actors can enter the process : there is room both for well
established NGOs in the field and emerging forces, directly and
recently brought about by the web and the information revolution. Among
someof the actors that were invited to attend the working group session,
there was UNESCO, in the person of Axel Plathe. UNESCO has expressed the
wish to work with NGOs on the education issues and it has already
discussed this with the liaison committee of its affiliated network of
NGOs. It would like to develop thematic meetings for exchanges of good
practices and has developed a fund available for such projects and
partnerships. The other like-minded community is the researchers
community. Francis Muguet chair of scientific information working group
and Pr. Hoffman from CERN, also invited to the working group, agreed to
the need for more education on ICT issues, support for open source and
reflexion on research issues, as
they are related to another sector of education, high education. The
here would be to have a conference or a thematic event uniting
researchers in the humanities (especially social uses of media and ICTs)
and in the hard sciences (including engineers), to discuss issues of
research and development, and to improve the teaching of the humanities
and sciences in schools. This would also be the occasion to promote a «
researchers charter for knwoledge societies » currently being elaborated
by IAMCR (I will circulate the document in September). Other related
entities interested in this project could be IFLA and ICA. UNESCO has
also expressed its interest in this initiative.
5) proposed events ahead, until the Tunis Summit (to be confirmed): -a
conference to be held during Summit 2, in partnership with Unesco,
focusing on the development of long distance training materials and
showcasing some good practices. Other workshops could also be organized,
according to identified needs. -a thematic event, around research
communities. The Tunisian Association for Communications
Research might be able to host this event in Tunis, next year. -other
events where we could insert ourselves in workshops or roundtables have
to be identified by the members of the group at large. Any suggestions
are welcome.
Please note : a specific website will be activated in early september
<wsis-edu.org > keep your eyes peeled for postings
Divina Frau-Meigs, IAMCR (International Association for Media and
Communications Research) Focal point, education and academia family and
working group meigs at wanadoo.fr
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