[WSIS CS-Plenary] strategy in Tunis

Claudia Padovani claupad at libero.it
Sat Jun 26 07:39:16 BST 2004

I would like to thank of all you, working in Tunisia, for the huge effort,
in managing the situation while allowing all of us who could not attend of
what was going on with so  much detail.

The situation really seem to be critical and we are looking forward for
news; meanwhile if there is anything that the wider community can do, and
you may be discussing this, let us know. I think about contacts to
respective governmental delegation as soon as they come back or anything
with the wider public and media, or a formal request to Annan and

I invite you, while strategising, to include a much wider constituency in
the strategy.

Best wishes

Claudia padovani


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