[WSIS CS-Plenary] Registering CCC/UN in the Civil Society Group

l.d.misek-falkoff LDMF at att.net
Fri Nov 26 13:10:57 GMT 2004

Dear Ms. Banks:

I hope this note reaches you in warm times; it has finally turned cold here in New York, but with a few sparing days much appreciated. No snow on Thanksgiving, which may augur a 'friendly' winter.  But I hear it is very cold in London, if this note should reach you there.

The purpose of this note is follow-up.  I have written several times to register the Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations as a Civil Society group for WSIS. I personally attended Geneva, several of the fora.

As computers have changed over a few times here, perhaps you have written, and I am sorry if this note is an extra one.  It would be good to know that the CCC/UN is on the list; I am representing as a Member of the Board.

Your help in this matter will be much appreciated, and sending very best wishes,

Dr. L. D. Misek-Falkoff

For Identification:

-  Recording Secretary, the Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations; and the *Respectful Interfaces* Project of the CCC/UN.
 - President, The National Disability Party, a Party in Interest.
- Member Mental Health ICT Working Group.
- Member, The International Disability Convention Caucus; participant in the Meetings and Contributions- Member, Committee on Status of Women; Subcommittee on Older Women.
- Other NGOs convening at U.N. Headquarters in New York.. 
- Professional Associations including Assoc. for Computing Machinery (ACM),  Amer. Bar Association (ABA); former Professor, Comp/Info Sci./Humanities, Alliance for Rights in Medicine, Human Rights based Disability and other Organizations.
- Internet and precursor Networks  professional and personal participation 1960s (ARPAnet) ; .
- Cyberlaw interests; formal and practical work.
- (Other Affiliations on Request).
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