[WSIS CS-Plenary] new articles on financing and CS process and methods on www.worldsummit2005.org

Ralf Bendrath bendrath at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Fri Nov 26 21:44:04 GMT 2004

Dear all,

I've uploaded some new articles that reflect on the WSIS finance 
discussions last week in Geneva and Berlin and on the CS procedures 
improvement process kicked off in Berlin to http://www.worldsummit2005.org.
Included are documents on the CS principles and working methods from the 
Berlin meeting and from Ranata Bloem (CONGO).

Best regards,


(for easier navigation, go to http://www.worldsummit2005.org directly, 
otherwise you don't get the frames around the pages)


Geneva informal meeting on financial mechanisms disappointing
But view of information and communication as “global public good” gains 
By Chantal Peyer

26 November 2004. The Task Force on Financing Mechanisms (TFFM) held an 
open meeting in conjunction with the WSIS Group of the Friends of the 
Chair meeting in Geneva last week. Chantal Peyer from the Swiss NGO 
coalition Communica.ch was there and reports about a disappointing 
discussion, but also about a possible strategy for civil society.

More... <http://www.worldsummit2003.de/en/web/697.htm>


Civil Society processes in WSIS Phase II
Adaption of working methods started, lessons still to be learned

25 November 2004. Civil society groups involved in the World Summit on 
the Information Society had some difficulties concerning the 
transparency and inclusiveness of their overall coordination structures. 
A review of the structures and decision-making procedures was started at 
PrepCom 1 in June and was finally kicked off at last week’s meetings 
around the UN ICT Task Force in Berlin.

More... <http://www.worldsummit2003.de/en/web/691.htm>

Proposal for formation of CS Working Methods Working Group

Draft “Rules and Procedures for NGO Representation at UN Conferences”


WSIS PrepCom2 will be “stormy”
Dispute over financing was stepped up at UN ICT Task Force meeting

23 November 2004. The UN Information and Communication Technology Task 
Force (UN ICT TF) met in Berlin last week, and civil society groups had 
a number of meetings around this event. The conflicts and coalitions in 
the second phase of the WSIS are becoming clearer now. One major dispute 
is to be expected over financing.

More... <http://www.worldsummit2003.de/en/web/689.htm>

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