FW: [WSIS CS-Plenary] Civil Society and the Multi-Stakeholderism

Ronald Koven rkoven at compuserve.com
Sun Apr 3 14:57:25 BST 2005

Dear All --

I think this message to Djilali is extraordinarily sweet and kind.

He does not hesitate to beat up on anyone and everyone who dares express
him/herself in the world's main vehicular language, and in rather insulting
terms at that.

One might note that his complaint is only about people not speaking his own
language, French -- never in defense of Spanish Portuguese, Arabic,
Chinese, Russian, etc.

Djilali, vous devez cesser de pleurnicher. C'est tjrs la meme rengaine. On
a compris que vous n'etes peut etre pas doué pour les langues. Ça devient
du spam (pour parler franglais) a la longue. Parlez nous plutot de choses
qui avancent les problematiques de fond auxquelles nous sommes confrontées.

Yours in exasperation over having my mailbox constantly cluttered with the
same complaint from the same source,

Rony Koven

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