[WSIS CS-Plenary] Re: Language issues on the Plenary list... 1/2
Daniel Pimienta
pimienta at funredes.org
Sun Apr 3 20:03:58 BST 2005
First of all, let me agree that the language issue cannot be treated
as a secondary priority. Ce n'est pas un détail! Es una cuestión de respeto.
Before I comment and to give you an idea of how this would work. The
original note of Robert Guerra would automatically be sent to a paralel
discision list names <plenary at funredes.org> that way:
(Please understand the concatenation make it a large note and the lack of
discipline of many unbscribers who do not send clean answers, only
repeating the part of the message they want to answer and avoiding to
leaving the whole original note behind their comments contribute toit.)
let's remember that for this summit the official languages are ALL of the
english, spanish, arabic, chinese, russian and yes ..french as well.
The call to move from "words" to specific actions - has been stated many
times on this forum before.
I commend the actions of the ICV, CONGO, CRIS campaign, APC, Panos and
other groups that have taken the task on to find resources and funding to
help facilitate, organize and help with logistics. Complaining is easy,
finding support - of any kind - is quite difficult and a challenge....but
one must try.
The issue of translation, better said the lack of it - is well known, and
recognized . There have long been calls to do "something" so that two of
the major official UN languages - spanish, and french - be accommodated.
Ronald in his earlier message seems to indicate that the "call to do
something" has been heard, not one, twice, but way too many times. In that
I agree. That being said - what to do... How can we move from "defining the
lack of a language translation resource" to "implementing a solution" ...be
it a short term or long term one...?
The solution - a potential one - might closer than most people think...Just
think about it - do we really think that this is the first time
"Translation of mailing list traffic from one language to another" has been
raised? I don't think so...
Has anyone bothered to do a bit of research on this ? why do i say
this..well, if they had they would have come up with contacts, projects and
potential resources that COULD be of help in this particular situation.
For example - just going a google search on "translation mailing lists"
reveals that this issue has been raised on the "Mistica" mailing list for
MISTICA: Re: Auto-translation techniques
Mistica seems to have developed a system - already in place - that
translates automatically between english, spanish and yes French. I've
taken the liberty of cc'ing Daniel Pimineta from Mistica to get his
comments to know if their "solution" might be of assistance to this list.
If it might be - then it would indicate that the ICT tools we so much talk
about can in fact be used to assist communities from that are linguistic
divided (at least to a certain extent) be allowed to communicate.
At 9:57 AM -0400 4/3/05, Ronald Koven wrote:
>Dear All --
>I think this message to Djilali is extraordinarily sweet and kind.
>He does not hesitate to beat up on anyone and everyone who dares express
>him/herself in the world's main vehicular language, and in rather insulting
>terms at that.
>One might note that his complaint is only about people not speaking his own
>language, French -- never in defense of Spanish Portuguese, Arabic,
>Chinese, Russian, etc.
>Djilali, vous devez cesser de pleurnicher. C'est tjrs la meme rengaine. On
>a compris que vous n'etes peut etre pas dou pour les langues. a devient
>du spam (pour parler franglais) a la longue. Parlez nous plutot de choses
>qui avancent les problematiques de fond auxquelles nous sommes confront es.
>Yours in exasperation over having my mailbox constantly cluttered with the
>same complaint from the same source,
>Rony Koven
>Plenary mailing list
>Plenary at wsis-cs.org
Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.org>
Privaterra - <http://www.privaterra.org>
recordemos que para esta cumbre las idiomas oficiales son TODO EL
inglés, español, árabe, chino, ruso y sí..french también.
La llamada a moverse desde "palabras" a las acciones específicas - se
ha indicado muchas veces en este foro antes.
Elogio a las acciones de el ICV, a la campaña de CONGO, de CRIS, al
APC, a Panos y a otros grupos que han llevado la tarea encendido los
recursos del hallazgo y el financiamiento para ayudar a facilitar, a
organizar y a ayudar con logística. El quejarse es fácil, encontrar
la ayuda - de la clase - es absolutamente difícil y un
desafío....but uno debe intentar.
La aplicación la traducción, mejor dijo la carencia de ella - es
bien sabido, y reconocido. Ha habido de largo llamadas para hacer
"algo" para acomodar dos de las idiomas principales del funcionario la
O.N.U - españoles, y franceses -.
Ronald en su mensaje anterior se parece indicar que la "llamada para
hacer algo" se ha oído, no uno, dos veces, sino manera también
muchas veces. En ése convengo. El ese ser dichos - qué a hacer...
Cómo pueda nos movemos desde "definir la carencia de un recurso de la
traducción de la lengua" "que pone una solución en ejecucio'n"...
sea un corto plazo o el largo plazo uno...?
¿La solución - potencial - pudo más cerca que la mayoría de
la gente pensar... apenas piensan de ella - realmente pensamos que
ésta es "traducción del tráfico de la lista que envía a partir de
una lengua a otra" se ha levantado la primera vez? No pienso tan...
¿Cualquier persona ha incomodado hacer un poco investigación
sobre esto? porqué lo hago diga this..well, si él lo tuviera habría
venido para arriba con los contactos, los proyectos y los recursos del
potencial que PODRÍAN estar de ayuda en esta situación particular.
Por ejemplo - apenas yendo una búsqueda del google en la "traducción
que envía listas" revela que esta edición se ha planteado en la
lista que enviaba de "Mistica" por meses.
MISTICA: Re: Autotranslación técnicos
Mistica se parece haber desarrollado un sistema - ya en lugar que
traduce automáticamente entre inglés, español y sí francés. He
tomado la libertad de cc'ing a Daniel Pimineta de Mistica para
familiarizar con sus comentarios si su "solución" pudo estar de ayuda
a esta lista. Si puede ser que sea - entonces indicaría que el ICT
nos filetea tanto habla se puede en hecho utilizar asistir a
comunidades de eso es lingüístico dividido (por lo menos hasta
cierto punto) esté permitido para comunicarse.
En 9:57 -0400 4/3/05, Ronald Koven escribió:
> Querido Todos --
> Pienso que este mensaje a Djilali es extraordinario dulce y
> clase.
> Él no vacila batir para arriba en cualquier persona y cada uno que se
> atreva him/herself expreso en la lengua de vehículos principal del
> mundo, y en algo insultar llama en eso.
> Uno pudo observar que su queja está solamente sobre la gente que no
> habla su propia lengua, francés -- nunca en defensa de portugués
> español, árabe, chino, ruso, etc.
> Djilali, deben dejar de lloriquear. Es tjrs el mismo reng. Se
> comprendió que etes no pueden no ser dou para las lenguas. ' a pasa
> a ser del spam (para hablar franglés) a la larga.' Hable nosotros
> más bien de cosas que avanzan el problematiques de fondo a las cuales
> son confront es.
> El tuyo en el excedente de la exasperación que hace mi caja estorbar
> constantemente con la misma queja de la misma fuente,
> Rony Koven
> _______________________________________________ Lista que
> envía plenaria Plenary at wsis-cs.org
> http://mailman.greennet.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/plenary
### Robert Guerra Privaterra -
let's remember that for this summit the official languages are ALL of the
english, spanish, arabic, chinese, russian and yes ..french as well.
The call to move from "words" to specific actions - has been stated many
times on this forum before.
I commend the actions of the ICV, CONGO, CRIS campaign, APC, Panos and
other groups that have taken the task on to find resources and funding to
help facilitate, organize and help with logistics. Complaining is easy,
finding support - of any kind - is quite difficult and a challenge....but
one must try.
The issue of translation, better said the lack of it - is well known, and
recognized . There have long been calls to do "something" so that two of
the major official UN languages - spanish, and french - be accommodated.
Ronald in his earlier message seems to indicate that the "call to do
something" has been heard, not one, twice, but way too many times. In that
I agree. That being said - what to do... How can we move from "defining the
lack of a language translation resource" to "implementing a solution" ...be
it a short term or long term one...?
The solution - a potential one - might closer than most people think...Just
think about it - do we really think that this is the first time
"Translation of mailing list traffic from one language to another" has been
raised? I don't think so...
Has anyone bothered to do a bit of research on this ? why do i say
this..well, if they had they would have come up with contacts, projects and
potential resources that COULD be of help in this particular situation.
For example - just going a google search on "translation mailing lists"
reveals that this issue has been raised on the "Mistica" mailing list for
MISTICA: Re: Car-translation techniques
Mistica seems to have developed a system - already in place - that
translates automatically between english, spanish and yes French. I've
taken the liberty of cc'ing Daniel Pimineta from Mistica to get his
comments to know if their "solution" might be of assistance to this list.
If it might be - then it would indicate that the ICT tools we so much talk
about can in fact be used to assist communities from that are linguistic
divided (at least to a certain extent) be allowed to communicate.
At 9:57 AM -0400 4/3/05, Ronald Koven wrote:
> Dear All --
> I think this message to Djilali is extraordinarily sweet and kind.
> He does not hesitate to beat up on anyone and everyone who dares express
> him/herself in the world's main vehicular language, and in rather insulting
> terms at that.
> One might note that his complaint is only about people not speaking his own
> language, French -- never in defense of Spanish Portuguese, Arabic,
> Chinese, Russian, etc.
> Djilali, you must cease pleurnicher. It is tjrs same the rengaine. It
> was understood that you etes cannot be not dou for the languages. ' A
> becomes Spam (to speak Franglais) has the long one. Rather speak us
> about things which advance the problematic basic ones to which we are
> confront es.
> Yours in exasperation over having my mailbox constantly cluttered with the
> same complaint from the same source,
> Rony Koven
> _______________________________________________
> Plenary mailing list
> Plenary at wsis-cs.org
> http://mailman.greennet.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/plenary
-- ### Robert Privaterra War -
rappelons-nous que pour ce sommet les langues officielles sont TOUTE
LA ce qui suit :
anglais, espagnol, arabe, chinois, Russe et oui..french aussi bien.
L'appel à déplacer des "mots" aux actions spécifiques - a été
énoncé beaucoup de fois sur ce forum avant.
Je recommande les actions de l'ICV, la campagne du CONGO, du CRIS, le
RPA, le Panos et d'autres groupes qui ont pris le charger dessus
aux ressources de trouvaille et au placement pour aider à faciliter,
organiser et aider avec la logistique. Se plaindre est facile, la
conclusion de l'appui - de la sorte - est tout à fait difficile et
un défi....but un doit essayer.
La question de la traduction, meilleure a indiqué le manque d'elle -
est bien connu, et reconnu. Il y a longtemps eu des appels pour faire
"quelque chose" de sorte que deux des langues principales du
fonctionnaire l'ONU - Espagnols, et Français - soient adaptés.
Ronald dans son message plus tôt semble ne pas indiquer que
l'"appel pour faire quelque chose" a été entendu, un, deux fois,
mais la manière trop de fois. C'est-à-dire je conviens. Ce être
dits - ce qui à faire... Comment osez nous nous déplaçons de
"définir le manque d'une ressource de traduction de langue" "mettant
en application une solution"... que ce soit un court nommons ou le
long terme un... ?
La solution - potentielle - pourrait plus étroitement que la
plupart des personnes penser... pensent juste cela - pensons-nous
vraiment que c'est la première fois "traduction du trafic
d'expédition de liste d'une langue à l'autre" a été augmentée ?
Je ne pense pas ainsi...
Est-ce que n'importe qui a pris la peine de faire un peu de
recherche sur ceci ? pourquoi je dites this..waune, s'ils les
avaient auraient fourni des contacts, des projets et des ressources de
potentiel qui POURRAIENT être utiles dans cette situation
Par exemple - juste allant une recherche de google sur la "traduction
expédiant des listes" indique que cette question a été augmentée
sur la liste d'expédition de "Mistica" pendant des mois.
MISTICA: Re: Auto-translation techniques
Mistica semble avoir développé un système - déjà en place que
traduit automatiquement entre anglais, l'espagnol et oui français.
J'ai pris la liberté de cc'ing Daniel Pimineta de Mistica pour finir
par ses commentaires pour savoir si leur "solution" pourrait être
d'aide à cette liste. Si elle pourrait être - alors elle indiquerait
qu'on laisse l'ICT nous usine parle tellement peut en fait être
employé pour aider les communautés de cela est linguistique divisé
(au moins dans une certaine mesure) communiquer.
À 9:57 AM -0400 4/3/05, Ronald Koven a écrit :
> Cher Tous --
> Je pense que ce message à Djilali est extraordinairement
> bonbon et sorte.
> Il n'hésite pas à battre vers le haut sur n'importe qui et chacun
> qui osent him/herself exprès dans la langue véhiculaire principale
> du monde, et en insultant plutôt nomme à cela.
> L'on a pourrait noter que sa plainte est seulement au sujet des
> personnes ne parlant pas sa propre langue, Français -- jamais à la
> défense de portugais espagnol, arabe, chinois, russe, etc...
> Djilali, vous devez cesser de pleurnicher. C'est tjrs la meme rengaine. On
> a compris que vous n'etes peut etre pas dou pour les langues. a devient
> du spam (pour parler franglais) a la longue. Parlez nous plutot de choses
> qui avancent les problematiques de fond auxquelles nous sommes confront es.
> Vôtre dans l'excédent d'exaspération faisant encombrer constamment ma
> boîte aux lettres avec la même plainte de la même source,
> Rony Koven
> _______________________________________________ Liste
> d'expédition plénière Plenary at wsis-cs.org
> http://mailman.greennet.org.uk/facteur/listinfo/plenary
-- ### Robert Guerra Privaterra -
deixe-nos recordar que para este summit as línguas oficiais são TODO
O seguinte:
inglês, espanhol, árabe, chinês, russian e sim..french também.
A chamada a mover-se das "palavras" para ações específicas - tem
sido indicada muitas vezes neste forum antes.
Eu elogío as ações do ICV, a campanha de CONGO, de CRIS, o APC, o
Panos e os outros grupos que fizeram exame da tarefa sobre aos
recursos do achado e a financiar para ajudar facilitar, organizar e
ajudar com logística. Queixar-se é fácil, encontrar a sustentação
- do tipo - é completamente difícil e um desafio....but um deve
A introdução da tradução, melhor disse a falta dela - é sabido
bem, e reconhecido. Tem havido por muito tempo umas chamadas para
fazer "algo" de modo que dois das línguas principais dos UN do
oficial - espanhóis, e franceses - fossem acomodados.
Ronald em sua mensagem mais adiantada parece indicar que a "chamada
para fazer algo" estêve ouvida, não um, duas vezes, mas a maneira
demasiado muitas vezes. Naquele eu concordo. Esse ser ditos - que a
fazer... Como possa nós movemo-nos de "definir a falta de um recurso
da tradução da língua" "que executa uma solução"... sejamos ele
que um curto denomina ou o prazo um...?
A solução - potencial - pôde mais perto do que a maioria de
povos pensar... pensam apenas sobre ela - nós pensamos realmente de
que esta é "tradução do tráfego enviando da lista de uma língua a
outra" tem sido levantada a primeira vez? Eu não penso assim...
Qualquer um incomodou-se fazer um pouco de pesquisa sobre este?
porque eu diga this..well, se o tiver vier acima com contatos,
projetos e recursos do potencial que PODERIAM ser da ajuda nesta
situação particular.
Para o exemplo - apenas indo uma busca do google a "tradução que
envia listas" revela que esta edição estêve levantada na lista
enviando de "Mistica" por meses.
MISTICA: Re: Autotradução técnica
_ Mistica pareç t desenvolv um sistema - já lugar que traduz
automático entre inglês, espanhol e sim francês. _ eu t faç exame
liberdade cc'ing daniel Pimineta Mistica começ seu coment se se seu
"solução" poss est auxílio este lista. _ se poss est - então indic
que ICT ferramenta nós assim muito fal sobre poss fato est used ajud
comunidade que est lingüístico divided (ao menos um certo extensão)
est permit comunic.
_ consider
_ robert
_ 9:57 EST -0400 4/3/05, Ronald Koven escrev:
> _ Caro Todo --
> _ eu pens este mensagem Djilali est extraordinário doce e
> amável.
> _
> _ ele não hesitate bat acima qualquer um e todos que ous express
> him/herself mundo principal vehicular língua, e rather insulting
> termo que.
> _
> _ um poss nota que seu queixa est somente sobre pessoa não speaking
> seu próprio língua, francês -- nunca defesa espanhol portuguese,
> árabe, chinês, russian, etc.. _
> Djilali, deve cessar de pleurnicher. É tjrs a mesma rengaine.
> Compreendeu-se que etes não pode não ser dou para as línguas. ' a
> torna-se do spam (para falar franglais) a prazo.' _ falar nós antes
> coisa que avançar problematiques fundo ao qual nós ser confront es.
> Seu no excesso do exasperation que tem minha caixa postal desordenada
> constantemente com a mesma queixa da mesma fonte,
> Rony Koven
> _______________________________________________ Lista enviando
> plenary Plenary at wsis-cs.org
> http://mailman.greennet.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/plenary
Robert Guerra <rguerra at privaterra.org>
Privaterra - <http://www.privaterra.org>
More information about the Plenary
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