[WSIS CS-Plenary] Bush admin. objects to .xxx domains

Milton Mueller Mueller at syr.edu
Tue Aug 16 20:05:05 BST 2005


>>> correia.rui at gmail.com 08/16/05 12:52 PM >>>
>But to think really logically about this, it is actually
>With a dedicated domain for pornographic and related content, porn 
>peddlers could be made to move their content off normal domains and 
>onto .xxx and in that way it would be easier to separate that content

>from general content. 

Yes, you are partially right. Only partly right because it would not be
easy to move all or even most porn into a particular domain, due to the
complexity of defining "pornorgraphy." But it is also true that the
whole idea behind the .xxx proposal was to give "responsible"
pornographers ;-)  the opportunity to self-identify themselves, and thus
to facilite blocking by people who don't want it, and finding it by
people who do. 

That could have some benefit. 

Thus, the opposition .xxx has enegendered is doubly ironic. Opponents
are trading on the idea that creating a special domain for porn means
recognizing that porn exists on the Internet. Well, of course it does
exist - with or without .xxx. 

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