[WSIS CS-Plenary] Summary of items up for discussion @ PC 3

Robert Guerra rguerra at lists.privaterra.org
Mon Aug 29 18:53:31 BST 2005

On 29-Aug-05, at 1:18 PM, Dr. Francis MUGUET wrote:

> There are two distinct issues :
> 1/ Implementation and follow-up is *not* on the agenda of the  
> PrepCom3.
> 2/ The drastic and sudden modification of the GFC languages.


The discussion on follow-up and implementation was started at Prepcom  
2 in Feb. As the negotiations did not reach a conclusion, the  
discussion will be continued at PC 3. This is stated in the "Draft  
decision of PrepCom 2".

I am including a text version below with annotations on where one can  
find a list of all the documents that will be negotiated at PC 3. As  
you can see, almost everything is still up for negotiation. Meaning,  
it will be a challenge to get through all of it in the 10 days we have.



--- Prepcom 2 Decision & details where to find the documents --

Document WSIS-II/PC-2/DOC/13(Rev. 1)-E
25 February 2005
Original:  English
Note by the President of PrepCom

PrepCom 2 of the Tunis Phase of the World Summit on the Information  
Society (WSIS) decides that, during the inter-sessional phase between  
PrepCom-2 and PrepCom-3:

1. The current text of chapter two of the Operational Part (Financing  
Mechanisms), as it stands at the conclusion of PrepCom-2, will be  
forwarded directly to PrepCom-3.

Text, as left @ PC2 &  up for discussion is @ <http://www.itu.int/ 

2. The text of the Political Chapeau, as it stands at the conclusion  
of PrepCom–2, together with a compilation document containing written  
comments and proposals (Document DT-4), will be forwarded directly to  

Text, as left @ PC2 &  up for discussion is  <http://www.itu.int/wsis/ 
Comments, contributed to date @ <http://www.itu.int/wsis/docs2/pc3/ 

3. The Group of Friends of the Chair (GFC) will continue to draft  
proposals for chapters one (Implementation Mechanisms) and four (The  
Way Ahead) of the Operational Part. These new proposals will be in  
addition to the written comments and proposals presented during the  
first reading on 21 February, contained in the compilation documents  
on chapter one (DT-2 Rev. 1) and chapter four (DT-5) respectively.  
The above-mentioned documents will be forwarded to PrepCom-3, where a  
decision on use of the new proposals will be taken. All stakeholders  
are invited to continue making contributions to chapters one and  
four. The modalities of composition and the methods of work of the  
Group of Friends of the Chair will be defined by the Bureau, in  
consultation with the regional groups.

Operational plan - text so far @ <http://www.itu.int/wsis/docs2/pc3/ 

Comments on Implementation Mechanisms (Chapter 1):

Comments on Way ahead (Chapter 4):

As well, Chapter 1 & 4 comments have been combined (i think) @

4. The report of the Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) will  
be presented in mid- July 2005 (most probably on July 18). All  
governments and other stakeholders are invited to submit written  
comments and proposals for chapter three (to wsis- 
contributions at itu.int) by August 15. Thereafter, a compilation of  
these contributions will be forwarded to PrepCom- 3, together with  
the report of the WGIG.

WGIG report @ <http://www.itu.int/wsis/docs2/pc3/off5.pdf>
WGIG Report - Background report @ <http://www.itu.int/wsis/wgig/docs/ 

Comments on WGIG report received to-date @ <http://tinyurl.com/btldx>

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