[WSIS CS-Plenary] Re: [governance] Should a "Global Alliance" succeed the UN ICT TF?

veni markovski veni at veni.com
Wed Feb 9 23:13:00 GMT 2005

I went through the document.
I think what it lacks is the real perspective. It's too academic for the 
spirit of people not close to the academic circles.

I can start even with the headline:

You could bring Policy Development to the Public, but you can't bring 
public to the policy development. While you live in environment, where 
civil society is being formed a while ago, in Bulgaria, where we still 
don't have it (fully operational), that would never be the case.

The 'ICT domain' means nothing. We need to use Information Society instead.

UNICTTF could continue doing it work, while we figure out if the WSIS will 
be over in November. Further on that road - we don't know if anything of 
the achievments there will be really implemented. So far we've heard a lot 
talking, and less and less funding. Without funding, forget the visions.

You say that for international agreements to be legitimate, they ... have 
to permit full participation. Yet, you know that's NEVER the case with 
intra-governmental organizations.

So, because it's too late now, I can't finish this e-mail, but there's a 
lot for editing, and may be more than that.


At 10:55 08-02-2005 -0500, Milton Mueller wrote:

>The Internet Governance Project (http://www.internetgovernance.org) has
>released its first analysis of the idea of a "Global Alliance" as a
>potential successor to the United Nations ICT Task Force.  Prepared as a
>contribution to ongoing discussions of the concept, the Project examined
>the how a multistakeholder alliance could contribute to international
>policy formulation on ICT, and why it should use new, Internet-based
>collaborative technologies to broaden participation. The paper reviews
>four examples of global alliances in other fields to see what lessons
>might be learned.
>The paper can be downloaded directly here:
>Dr. Milton Mueller
>Syracuse University School of Information Studies
>governance mailing list
>governance at lists.cpsr.org

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