[WSIS CS-Plenary] WIPO denies ad hoc NGO observor statusfor April Development Agenda meeting

karen banks karenb at gn.apc.org
Fri Feb 18 11:46:43 GMT 2005

hi all

>What we'd like to see is greater recognition and coordination of campaigns 
>across venues. We have had a debate/dialogue here about the role of IPR 
>issues in the WGIG and some have contended that the whole thing should be 
>left to the WIPO forum. They have, I think, failed to understand the 
>helpful and complementary effect that coordination across WSIS/WGIG, WIPO, 
>and other forums could have.

jamie did earlier propose drafting a statement in response to this 
situation. I think we should do it and link it to the ongoing work of the WGIG


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