[WSIS CS-Plenary] WIPO denies ad hoc NGO observor statusfor April Development Agenda meeting

Vittorio Bertola vb at bertola.eu.org
Tue Feb 22 09:27:29 GMT 2005

Federico Heinz ha scritto:
> When did that happen? I haven't seen anybody here say that patents,
> copyrights, trademarks or anything else should be "left to the WIPO
> forum". I (and others) have said that these issues are not relevant to
> internet governance, and thus do not belong into WGIG's scope. Saying
> that WGIG is the wrong forum is not the same as saying that WIPO is the
> only right one. Very far from it.

In your opinion, which is the right forum to discuss about the fairness of 
WIPO to civil society?
vb.               [Vittorio Bertola - v.bertola [a] bertola.eu.org]<------
http://bertola.eu.org/  <- Vecchio sito, nuovo toblòg...

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