[WSIS CS-Plenary] Re: PCT and WGIG

Ralf Bendrath bendrath at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Fri Jan 21 03:08:50 GMT 2005

Hi all,

there are many instances where Civil Society procedures are contested or
discussed. Think of the CS Bureau that has its internal reform discussion,
the events in Tunisia during Prepom1 and so on.

> the WGIG nomination problem as a *procedural matter* that the CSB 
> should be entitled to deal with.
The CSB has a mandate for dealing with the the WSIS organizers on
procedural matters. Thinking of its problematic legitimacy, it is rather
ironic to suggest it can judge the WGIG process.

And you can't change the WGIG members anyway. Everybody knows the
nomination process was not perfect. We had this discussion before.

> lets us not destroy the whole WSIS process because of what happened to 
> the WGIG.  This is not the end of the world.
Well said, Francis. :-)

> it is my impression and my hope that the working group on CS working 
> methods has been precisely created to rebuild  transparency, confidence
>  and trust.
And they are quite active.

> The CS WGIG members shall not be allowed to speak in the name of the 
> whole WSIS Civil Society.
I think it was clear from the beginning that they are selected as
individuals, not as representatives of any entity, be it the plenary,
individual caucuses or single organizations.

> Thematics groups that feel that some issues are not studied, or not 
> well studied  or their opinions not represented are free to contact 
> Kummer as he told himself.
Or to contact the CS members of the WGIG, who repeatedly have asked for input.

Best, Ralf

PS: I am looking forward to see many of you in Geneva in a few weeks!

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