[WSIS CS-Plenary] Human Rights: Strategic priorities for WGIG

Martin Olivera martin_olivera at yahoo.com.ar
Fri Jan 28 11:39:48 GMT 2005

 --- Jeanette Hofmann <jeanette at wz-berlin.de>
> Jonathan Cave wrote:
> > I endorse the position of Vittorio and Milton
> Mueller regarding IPR.
> I also agree with Vittorio's, Milton's and Robin's
> positions.

I think that if different people proposed different
things it is not a good practice to say I agree withh
X1, with X2, with X3, with X4 (the same for
disagrreement) but with their ideas. If not we are
building "opinion teams" rather than consensus.

Personally I do not think that a WGIG be necessary (I
do not think that Internet should be governed, because
governance issues are not part of its intrinsic

Due to WGIG exists and that it is not representative
of the society, my view is that its mission should be
the assurement of some previously established common

The mission of WGIG should be to guarantee the Human
Rights on Internet arena.

No more, no less.

Regarding the issues clearly described in HHRR
Declaration, WGIG members and we, the people, could
guide our support or criticism.

Martin Olivera

SOLAR Software Libre Argentina


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