[WSIS CS-Plenary] Spam and IG

Daniel Pimienta pimienta at funredes.org
Sun Jan 30 15:53:44 GMT 2005

Why should spam be an item in WGIG list?
Well, first because it directly deals with (mis) use of Internet resources.
This is a sufficient reason and I don't need to develop further.

Why should not Spam treatment be reserved to national juridictions?
Because, the analogy with others unsollicited communications is flawed.
At the difference with the other cases:
- the marginal cost for the spammer is null;
- the cost for the transport structure is high (if 50% of mails tran siting 
in the net are spams,
one could compute that cost) and not compensated by sender;
- the cost for the recipient is extremely high (I do include the cost of 
the time it takes for users to get to their real mail).

Spam is a complex issue which span all the layers.
It is a question of ecology of information.
It is a question of ethic of information.
It is a question of market regulation (I mean here regulation in the 
systemic sense)
It is also a question of Internet resources management with possible 
indirect relationships with the previous.

Saying that spam is an IG item does not necessarily implies that the 
solution is within the IG sphere of responsibility. I just dont know. But 
it has to be treated also within IG.

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