AW: [WSIS CS-Plenary] Re: [CS Bureau] Next GFC Meetings

Wolfgang Kleinwächter wolfgang.kleinwaechter at
Sat Jun 25 07:29:07 BST 2005

Dier List, 
if CS is excluded officially from the GFC, we should write an official letter of protest to both Mr. Karkelins and Mr. Utsumi (probably also to Mr. Annan), arguing, that while we recognize the intergovernmental nature of the WSIS process, we insist, that principle 1 of the WSIS Declaration of Principles has to be implemented by all sides, and in particular by governments.
Principle 1 reads :    

"1)    The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development

1.        Governments, as well as private sector, civil society and the United Nations and other international organizations have an important role and responsibility in the development of the Information Society and, as appropriate, in decision-making processes. Building a people-centred Information Society is a joint effort which requires cooperation and partnership among all stakeholders." 


Principle 1 says clearly, that CS has to be included into policy development and, as appropriate, also in the decision making processes. While we recognize, that in this phase, when we move towards a decision making process, it can be not appropriate, that CS is included (but even this is a questionsmark), we call for our "right to be informed" which is part of Article 19 of the Univeral Declaration of Human Rights. We can refer to the WGIG practice, where "closed sessions" has been open for "onlookers", that is parties who have a special interest but have no right to speak. The practicie worked and did not underminde the efficiency of the work of the group. 


It would be a great step backwards, a violation of the WSIS principles by the governments and a provocation which could lead to (unwanted) alternative actions in the preperation of the Tunis summit which could undermine the constructive involvement of all stakeholders bnoth in further development of the WSIS process and the implementation of the Plan of Action. And it would be in sharp contrast to the emerging spirit of mutual trust and cooperation. 


The letter should be signed officially by the President of the CS Bureau and the Spokespersons we have elected during PrepCom2. 





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